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Test Post With DIA & MIA

The purpose of HIPAA compliance software is to provide a framework to guide a HIPAA-covered entity or business associate through the process of becoming HIPAA-compliant and ensuring continued compliance with HIPAA and HITECH Act Rules.

The HIPAA software helps compliance officers navigate the nuances of HIPAA and ensure all applicable provisions of the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules are satisfied. The software also proves a company has made a good faith effort to comply with HIPAA by maintaining full documentation of compliance activities.

This ensures that if a company is audited by the HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) or is investigated by OCR or state attorneys general over a data breach, the organization can demonstrate no aspect of HIPAA has been missed, all policies and procedures are in order, members of the workforce have received training, and appropriate technical, physical, and administrative safeguards have been implemented and are being maintained.

It should be noted that the use of HIPAA compliance software will not absolve companies of liability in every circumstance (i.e., in the event of an employee violating HIPAA), but regulators do take a covered entity’s or business associate’s good faith efforts to comply with HIPAA into account when deciding whether a financial penalty or other sanction is appropriate.

If you are a vendor looking for information on how to make your software solution HIPAA compliant please click here.

Avoid Taking Shortcuts with HIPAA Compliance Software

Many compliance solutions only address specific elements of HIPAA compliance, such as the risk assessment. While HIPAA risk assessment software is a good place to start, it only covers one required provision of the HIPAA Security Rule.

Software that only covers specific aspects of HIPAA compliance will not help covered entities and business associates assess and demonstrate they are fully compliant. Even if covered entities and business associates are confident about their compliance programs, it is best to use a comprehensive software solution that covers all the required and addressable implementation specifications of HIPAA, the HITECH Act breach notification requirements, and even state laws.

A comprehensive compliance software solution may be more expensive in the short-term; but, by efficiently guiding covered entities and business associates though the full compliance process, costs can be reduced, all gaps can be identified and addressed, and the risk of regulatory fines for noncompliance can be reduced to a minimal level.

Best HIPAA Compliance Software

HIPAA Compliance Software For Compliance OfficersThe best HIPAA compliance software is a comprehensive compliance solution that walks users through setting up, implementing, and maintaining HIPAA policies and procedures, tracks staff training, and ensures all appropriate safeguards are implemented to meet HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule requirements.

Many HIPAA compliance software solutions include templates for policies and HIPAA documents, such as business associate agreements. While these are certainly useful and can save compliance officers a great deal of time, HIPAA requires all policies and procedures to specific and relevant to each organization.

The best HIPAA compliance software solutions make it easy for policies, procedures, and HIPAA documentation to be customized to cover the specific ways that the organization creates, receives, uses, stores, and transmits protected health information.

The top HIPAA compliance solutions also help with the management of business associates. Business associates can be fined directly for HIPAA violations, but HIPAA covered entities also have a responsibility to ensure vendors are fully compliant. A HIPAA breach at a business associate will have many negative implications for a covered entity.

Some HIPAA compliance software solutions allow covered entities to send self-audits to business associates, monitor the results of the audits, and track and maintain business associate agreements.

You should also look for a software solution that lets you track employee HIPAA and security awareness training to ensure that every member of the workforce has received and – where required – has attested to receiving training.

Last but not least, even the best HIPAA compliance software solutions are not guaranteed to resolve all HIPAA compliance issues. If problems are experienced, support staff should be available to guide you through the compliance process and answer any questions you may have about HIPAA. Look for a software provider that offers regular sessions with compliance experts who will be able to answer any HIPAA questions and assess your compliance program and progress.

Assessing Suitable HIPAA Compliance Software Vendors

Finding a suitable vendor of HIPAA compliance software can be a challenge. We suggest the following tips for finding a suitable software vendor to ensure the service provided for you is comprehensive and does not leave any unidentified gaps in your compliance efforts:

  • Avoid HIPAA training courses that promise compliance certification within a matter of minutes
  • Select vendors that offer compliance solutions tailored to your specific needs
  • Ensure somebody is available to answer any questions and guide you through the compliance process
  • Check the vendor offers a solution that supports continued compliance rather than simply providing a one-off assessment
  • Request verifiable testimonials from the vendor.

HIPAA Compliance Software Vs. HIPAA Compliant Software

The terms “HIPAA compliant software” and “HIPAA compliance software” are frequently used interchangeably by some software vendors, although the two terms mean something quite different.

“HIPAA compliance software” is more often than not an app or service that guides a business through its compliance efforts. This type of software can either help with specific elements of HIPAA compliance (i.e. Security Rule risk assessments) or provide a total solution for every element of HIPAA compliance.

HIPAA compliant software is usually an app or service for healthcare organizations that includes all the necessary privacy and security safeguards to meet the requirements of HIPAA – for instance, secure messaging solutions, hosting services, and secure cloud storage services. HIPAA compliant software does not guarantee compliance. It is the responsibility of users of the software solutions to ensure the software is used in a HIPAA-compliant manner.

If you are a vendor looking for information on how to make your software solution HIPAA compliant please click here.

HIPAA Risk Assessment Software

ScreenshotOne of the most important elements of the HIPAA Security Rule is the risk analysis or risk assessment. The purpose of the risk assessment is to identify all risks to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information (PHI). If the risk assessment is not performed, healthcare organizations cannot be sure that all risks have been identified, which means it will not be possible to reduce those risks to a reasonable and acceptable level through the HIPAA risk management process.

Even though the risk assessment is foundational element of HIPAA compliance, it is one of the provisions of HIPAA that causes healthcare organizations the most problems. The failure to conduct an organization-wide HIPAA-compliant risk assessment is the single most common HIPAA violation penalized by OCR in its enforcement actions.

The use of HIPAA risk assessment software helps to ensure that the risk assessment is completed to the standard demanded by HIPAA, by guiding organizations through the whole process and ensuring all identified risks are tracked along with the efforts made by the company to remediate those risks.

HIPAA Compliance Certification for Software

There is no officially recognized HIPAA compliance certification for software, as any certification only confirms a software solution has incorporated all of the required safeguards to meet the requirements of HIPAA Rules. HIPAA compliance certification for software only confirms a solution is compliant at the moment when the compliance certificate is issued.

That said, many training and software companies issue HIPAA compliance certification to companies that have demonstrated compliance through the use of the software. These HIPAA compliance certifications may not be officially recognized by OCR and state attorneys general, but they do serve an important purpose.

They provide assurances that policies and procedures have been introduced in line with HIPAA, demonstrate a company is fully aware of its responsibilities under HIPAA and has provided appropriate training to employees, and confirm that software meets or exceeds the minimum standards for privacy and security demanded by HIPAA.

Vendors looking to break into the healthcare market will need to demonstrate to prospective healthcare clients that they are aware of their responsibilities with respect to HIPAA and provide “reasonable assurances” to the covered entity that they are compliant. This is achieved through the signing of a business associate agreement, but the use of HIPAA compliance software and any accompanying HIPAA compliance certification will help. It can be used to differentiate a company’s products and services and stand out from the competition.


It can be time-consuming finding a suitable vendor with a product to match your specific needs. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to HIPAA compliance, but the effort you put into identifying and addressing HIPAA compliance shortfalls is likely to pay dividends in the long run. Ensuring all aspects of HIPAA are satisfied should improve your security posture and help you prevent costly data breaches.

The software will ensure that no provision of HIPAA is overlooked, thus helping the company avoid regulatory fines for noncompliance.


Is HIPAA compliance software the same for covered entities and business associates?

HIPAA compliance software is not the same for covered entities and business associates. While both covered entities and business associates are required to comply with all “applicable” standards of the HIPAA Administrative Simplification Regulations, a covered entity would likely need more comprehensive guidance through the complexities of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. In addition, topics such as business associate management would most often be unique to covered entities.

What is the most important feature of HIPAA compliance software for covered entities?

The most important feature of HIPAA compliance software for covered entities depends on whether gaps exist in the covered entity´s compliance efforts and what they are. For some covered entities, the risk assessment and analysis software may be most important. For others it may be helpful with responding to an OCR audit or HIPAA breach.

What is the most important feature of HIPAA compliance software for business associates?

The most important feature of HIPAA compliance software for business associates will again depend on whether gaps exist in the business associate’s compliance efforts and what they are. However, one of the most important benefits of HIPAA compliance software for business associates is understanding business associate agreements. Too often, business associates sign unnecessary agreements, exposing themselves to liability if a covered entity is at fault for a data breach.

Is there any HIPAA software my organization should avoid?

With regards to HIPAA software your organization should avoid, be wary of any software vendor that offers compliance training or compliance certification “within an hour” or “for less than $20” – especially those who certify HIPAA compliance with a pass mark of less than 100%. While a certificate with a 75% compliance score may look good on your website, anyone familiar with HIPAA will know this means your organization is 25% non-compliant.

Where can I find out more about HIPAA compliance software?

You can find out more about HIPAA compliance software by taking advantage of our reader offer to see a demo of the Compliancy Group’s HIPAA compliance software in action. This will not only give you the opportunity to see what HIPAA software does, but also to ask questions about how the software can be customized to be suitable for your organization and the nature of its operations.

What is the purpose of HIPAA compliance software?

The purpose of HIPAA compliance software is to provide a framework to guide HIPAA-covered entities and business associates through the process of becoming HIPAA-compliant and ensuring continued compliance with HIPAA and HITECH Act Rules. The software helps compliance officers navigate the nuances of HIPAA and ensures all applicable provisions of the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules are satisfied.

How can HIPAA compliance software help during an investigation or audit by OCR inspectors?

HIPAA compliance software can help during an investigation or audit by OCR inspectors by providing full documentation of compliance efforts. The documentation demonstrates that the organization has made a good faith effort to comply with HIPAA, that all applicable policies and procedures are in order, and that workforce members have received training.

Does HIPAA compliance software absolve organizations of liability in the event of a data breach?

HIPAA compliance software does not absolve organizations of liability in the event of a data breach because there are several types of events compliance software is not capable of preventing – for example, an employee stealing PHI for personal gain. However, the implementation and use of HIPAA compliance software can help demonstrate an organization’s good faith efforts to be compliant when regulators investigate a data breach.

What features should be included in the best software for HIPAA compliance?

The features that should be included in the best software for HIPAA compliance include features to help develop, implement, and maintain HIPAA policies and procedures, track staff training, ensure appropriate safeguards are implemented, and allow the customization of policies, procedures, and documentation. The best software for HIPAA compliance should also assist with the management of business associates and be supported by knowledgeable and available compliance experts.

Is there an officially recognized HIPAA compliance certification for software?

There is no officially recognized HIPAA compliance certification for software. However, some companies issue HIPAA compliance certifications to vendors who have demonstrated compliance with HIPAA by implementing measures to comply with the Security and Breach Notification Rules, and who have developed software with the capabilities to support HIPAA compliance by users.

The post Test Post With DIA & MIA appeared first on HIPAA Journal.

What Is The Best Healthcare Compliance Software?

The best healthcare compliance software is a comprehensive management tool, that helps chief compliance officers to effectively oversee compliance efforts across all their organization’s facilities, by proactively managing risks, streamlining workflows, improving collaboration, and demonstrating the achievement of compliance objectives to stakeholders.

What Are The Benefits Of Healthcare Compliance Software?

For the chief compliance officer of an organization, the benefits of using healthcare compliance software  that are:

1. Streamlined Workflow: Compliance software automates many administrative tasks related to compliance management, such as tracking compliance activities, scheduling self audits and managing documentation. This saves time and reduces manual effort.

2. Increased Visibility: Compliance software provides real-time visibility into compliance activities, allowing the chief compliance officer to monitor progress, track key metrics, and identify areas that require attention. This increased visibility enhances the CCO’s ability to effectively oversee compliance efforts across the organization, reducing the likelihood of compliance failures.

3. Enhanced Reporting Capabilities: Regulatory compliance software offers customised reporting and analytics, allowing the chief compliance officer to generate detailed reports on compliance activities, performance metrics, and audit findings. These reports help communicate compliance efforts to senior management, regulators, and other stakeholders effectively, and showcasing a commitment to compliance excellence.

4. Centralized Documentation Management: Healthcare compliance management software provides a centralized repository for storing and managing compliance-related documents, such as policies, procedures, training materials, and audit reports. This centralization ensures that all relevant documentation is organized, up-to-date, and easily accessible when needed.

5. Improved Collaboration: Compliance software facilitates collaboration and communication among compliance team members, stakeholders, and other departments within the organization. This improves coordination and alignment on compliance initiatives, enhancing the chief compliance officer’s ability to drive compliance culture and initiatives across the organization.

6. Reduced Failure Risk: By automating compliance processes, providing real-time visibility into compliance activities, and facilitating proactive risk management, the best healthcare compliance software helps compliance officers minimize compliance risk and mitigate potential compliance failures.

What To Consider When Purchasing Healthcare Compliance Software?

How to make a decision about HIPAA compliance softwareBy following our buyer’s guide framework, you can make a thorough assessment of the best healthcare compliance software options and select the most suitable solution to support your organization’s compliance objectives. There are three aspects to consider when purchasing healthcare compliance software which are discussed in detail below:

1. Essential Functionality

2. Software Specifications

3. Business Considerations

1. What Essential Functionality Is Required For Healthcare Compliance Software?

The best healthcare compliance software solution should include functionality to identify and manage risk, report and track incidents, educate employees, manage vendors, and it should include sophisticated reporting that demonstrates in real-time that all compliance objectives are being met across all the organization’s facilities.

Any solution worth consideration needs to be a flexible all-in-one compliance system that follows a recognized framework like the OIG-HHS Seven Fundamental Elements Of An Effective Compliance Program. Because all organizations are different, it should offer both a prebuilt approach and fully customizable options.

The following essential functionality will allow you to confidently address your organization’s compliance requirements:

1. Risk Assessment

  • Risk assessment tools
  • Risk scoring
  • Gap identification
  • Remediation planning

2. Policies & Procedures

  • Templated and customisable policies and procedures
  • Policy and procedure management
  • Central storage of policies and procedures

3. Employee Training

  • Train, track and manage HIPAA compliance training for employees
  • Up-to-date HIPAA compliance training modules
  • Personized, individual employee training certificates

4. Vendor Management

  • Identify and track business associates
  • Customisable business associate agreement templates
  • Store and track business associate agreements

5. Incident Response

  • Anonymous incident reporting for employees
  • Breach incident reporting
  • Breach management tools

5. Reporting

  • Customisable reporting templates including reports to demonstrate compliance to stakeholders or regulators
  • Centralized documentation storage
  • Audit logging and reports

Healthcare Compliance CategorieWhat other features should you consider for your HIPAA compliance solution?

Consider if you also need OSHA (Dental or Medical) and SOC 2 compliance, and if so, ensure your chosen software can provide this as an all-in-one healthcare compliance solution.

2. What Are The Software Specifications To Consider For HIPAA Compliance Solutions?

Software specifications are aspects of a solution, such as usability or scalability, that are not about specific functionality but describe the broader qualities of the software. Specifications will help inform your decision when comparing HIPAA compliance software solutions.

1. Ease Of Use

  • Assess the software’s overall user experience, including the user interface and navigation around the solution.
  • Does it have an intuitive interface that includes guided workflows for conducting compliance activities? This is vital to make it easier for individuals without deep compliance expertise to navigate the compliance process.
  • How user-friendly are the training modules that employees will be required to take as part of the organization’s compliance?

Best HIPAA Compliance Software Dashboard

2. Scalability & Flexibility

  • Can the software accommodate your organization’s current scale, for example, to manage multiple locations?
  • Can it scale up and adapt to your organization’s evolving future needs?

3. Integration Capabilities

  • How will the software integrate with your existing IT infrastructure and the other third-party applications used within your organization?
  • Cloud-based solutions are the easiest to implement, and have the advantage that ongoing infrastructure maintenance is the responsibility of the software vendor.

4. Future Proofing

  • How will the software vendor address regulatory changes and updates to ensure ongoing compliance in a timely manner?

3. What Are The Business Considerations When Choosing HIPAA Compliance Software?

You may find that when evaluating functionality and specifications, a favoured vendor will emerge and you feel ready to award them the business right away. It is highly recommended that you don’t allow yourself to be pressured into a fast decision before fully examining the commercial and business considerations.

1. Vendor Reputation

  • Is the software endorsed by any medical associations?
  • Do they have current case studies and testimonials from other healthcare organizations that have successfully implemented the software?
  • It is always a good idea to request references i.e. to directly speak with existing customers about their experiences with both the software and the vendor.

2. Vendor Training & Support

  • Does the vendor offer live support to guide you through the setup of their HIPAA compliance software solution?
  • Is there a separate cost for this, or is it included in the price?
  • After setup what ongoing support is offered and it is this included in the vendor’s annual charges?

3. Costs

  • Look for a transparent breakdown of pricing structures, including initial setup costs, licensing fees, and any additional charges for support or updates.
  • Is there a one-time purchase cost or is it a subscription-based model? Subscriptions have become the most common way to purchase cloud based software.
  • If cost is an issue and it appears that the solutions on your shortlist are similar, ensure you create a price comparison table taking all factors into account, such as extra costs for training or support. For example, if HIPAA training is included or not.
  • Does the vendor offer discounts? For example, they may offer a group discount for an association you may already be a member of. It’s always worth asking as often this can be 15% or more off the list price annually.

4. Free Trial Or Money Back Guarantee

  • A full demonstration may be enough to help you make your decision, but sometimes a short trial period can be helpful if you have any doubts. It also allows you to ask your colleagues take a look before a final decision is made.
  • Not all software is suitable for a free trial because of the effort required for the setup by both vendor and the customer. In this scenario you could ask for a guarantee that if you are not satisfied you have the option to back out of the agreement within a certain period like 30 days.

5. Software Licence Period

  • What is the commitment period you are signing up for? Is it month-by-month or year-by-year. Is there a minimum period such as three or five years? Read the small print on any agreement.
  • The advantage with shorter periods is that onus is on the software vendor to ensure you are kept happy because they won’t want you to cancel. Alternatively, if you are willing to sign up for a longer period then the annual costs may be reduced.

Buyers Guide Best HIPAA Compliance SoftwareFree Buyer’s Guide

We have compiled a free buyer’s guide to choosing HIPAA compliance software that includes a checklist for the three aspects discussed in this article. This can be downloaded by filling in the form on this page.

The post What Is The Best Healthcare Compliance Software? appeared first on HIPAA Journal.

What Is The Best HIPAA Compliance Software?

The best HIPAA compliance software is an effective compliance management tool that helps a covered entity navigate the complexities and stringent requirements of  HIPAA compliance.

The vast majority of healthcare organizations in the USA do not employ a professional compliance officer and HIPAA compliance falls to an administrator or practice manager. This guide is aimed at these people. If you are a compliance professional then please see our guide to Healthcare Compliance Software (Ian add hyperlink).

What Are The Benefits Of HIPAA Compliance Software?

  • Remove the complexities and stress of compliance
  • Reduce risk
  • Increase patient loyalty and the profitability of your business

What To Consider When Purchasing HIPAA Compliance Software?

There are three aspects to consider when purchasing a HIPAA compliance software solution.

  1. Key Features or Functionality
  2. Key Components
  3. Commercial Considerations

This guide is divided into three sections covering these separate aspects requiring consideration. By following this buyer’s guide framework, the organization can make a thorough assessment of available HIPAA compliance software options and select the most suitable solution to support their compliance efforts effectively.

1. What Are The Key Features Of HIPAA Compliance Software?

The software helps healthcare providers to implement robust measures, such as encryption, access controls, auditing, and regular risk assessments. By centralizing and automating the compliance process, HIPAA compliance software optimizes data protection efforts, mitigates potential breaches, and fosters a culture of compliance within the healthcare industry.

  • Security risk assessment
  • Gap identification
  • Remediation plans
  • Proper storage of HIPAA policies and procedures
  • Employee training
  • Business Associate Agreements
  • Breach incident reporting
  • Risk assessment tools
  • Policy and procedure management
  • Access controls and user management
  • Incident response and breach management
  • Audit logging and reporting capabilities
  • Encryption and data protection measures

What other features should you consider for  your HIPAA compliance solution?

A lot goes into a healthcare compliance program, and our solution helps automate the process. Whether you need HIPAA, OSHA, SOC 2, or all three, your compliance program is fully customizable.

Our software has everything you need for compliance: templated policies and procedures, risk assessments, comprehensive training for your entire staff, vendor management, incident reporting, and more. No matter your needs, our software provides guided action items to meet your requirements with ease.

Solve healthcare compliance challenges quickly and confidently with simplified software. . Endorsed by top medical associations, clients can be confident in their compliance program.

2. What Are The Key Components Of HIPAA Compliance Software?

Scalability and Flexibility

Considerations regarding the scalability of the software to accommodate the organization’s growth and evolving compliance needs.

Integration Capabilities Examination of the software’s ability to integrate with existing IT infrastructure and other third-party applications used within the organization.


3. What Are The Commercial Considerations When Choosing HIPAA Compliance Software?

Do they offer comprehensive help setting up their HIPAA compliance software for you?

Do they offer a free trial period?

Do they offer discounts? For example, for an association you may belong to already.

Vendor Reputation and Support:

  • Research on the vendor’s reputation within the healthcare industry and their track record in providing reliable software solutions.
  • Availability and responsiveness of customer support services, including training resources, technical assistance, and ongoing maintenance.
  1. Cost Considerations:
    • Transparent breakdown of pricing structures, including initial setup costs, licensing fees, and any additional charges for support or updates.
    • Comparison of pricing models (e.g., one-time purchase vs. subscription-based) and considerations of long-term affordability.
  2. Case Studies and Customer References:
    • Review of case studies or testimonials from other healthcare organizations that have successfully implemented the software.
    • Requesting references to directly speak with existing customers about their experiences with the software and vendor.


The post What Is The Best HIPAA Compliance Software? appeared first on HIPAA Journal.

Cyber Security for Healthcare: USA Summit

The HealthSec: Cyber Security for Healthcare Summit returns for its 2nd edition in Boston, Massachusetts on June 12th – 13th!

As operations in healthcare and life sciences industries are becoming increasingly digitized and internet-connected, the attack surface is expanding and cybersecurity risks are growing.

In the light of this, healthcare security leaders from across the hospitals & healthcare systems, healthcare equipment and services, medical devices, pharma and biotech industries are preparing to gather at the summit to learn how to protect their sensitive data from cyber attacks.

CPD certified event

This CPD certified event is your chance to unite with cybersecurity leaders from the likes of Abbott, GSK, Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson through interactive sessions, as well as 6+ hours of networking, including seated lunches and a drinks reception.

Over 2 days, you’ll learn how to build resilience, mitigate risks and strengthen your cybersecurity strategy to combat new and ongoing threats through thought leadership talks, in-depth case-studies, panel discussions and roundtables. See list of speakers

Agenda highlights include:

  • A Culture of Shared Responsibility Between HDOs and MDMs: What It Looks Like, and How to Achieve It
  • How to Effectively Address Third Party Risk Management Pain Points in Healthcare
  • Case Study: Surviving a Ransomware Attack -Lessons Learned from the Healthcare Industry
  • Streamlining Regulatory Compliance in Healthcare: How Do We Get There?

For 15% discount on passes, register now using the code “HIPPA” at registration online here.

The post Cyber Security for Healthcare: USA Summit appeared first on HIPAA Journal.

How long does HIPAA training take?

The duration of HIPAA training varies depending on the specific needs and roles of the individuals being trained, but for healthcare staff undergoing annual HIPAA refresher training, it typically takes about 90 minutes to complete. A typical HIPAA training course covers essential topics to ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations. It starts with fundamental definitions, including Protected Health Information and the Minimum Necessary Standard, to lay a solid foundation for understanding. The course also introduces the HITECH Act, emphasizing its role in advancing healthcare IT and extending HIPAA compliance to business associates. A key section of the course is devoted to the main HIPAA Regulatory Rules, with particular attention to those most relevant for the trainees. The HIPAA Omnibus Final Rule is discussed for its impact on patient rights and violation penalties. Core modules of the course include the HIPAA Privacy Rule, focusing on the use and disclosure of PHI, and the Security Rule, which deals with the safeguarding of electronic PHI. The training educates on HIPAA Patient Rights and the proper communication of these rights. Understanding HIPAA Disclosure Rules is another critical part, enabling healthcare workers to make informed decisions about PHI disclosure. The course also tackles the consequences of HIPAA violations, teaching the importance of prompt reporting and effective mitigation strategies. Preventing common HIPAA violations, such as inadvertent disclosures, is a practical component, along with guidelines on responsible use of social media and mobile devices.

Additional Cybersecurity Training on Handling PHI

HIPAA training often includes important aspects of cybersecurity, as protecting Protected Health Information (PHI) involves safeguarding it from digital threats. Healthcare staff and anyone handling PHI need to be trained to recognize and deal with cybersecurity risks such as phishing, ransomware, and other cyber attacks. This training helps them identify potential threats and teaches them how to respond effectively to protect patient data. The aim is to ensure that everyone who deals with PHI is not just aware of the confidentiality requirements, but also has the practical skills to prevent and react to cybersecurity incidents. This approach is essential in preparing healthcare workers to handle the challenges of securing digital information.

Additional Training in Texas

In Texas, House Bill 300 (HB-300) significantly expands upon the federal HIPAA requirements, necessitating specialized training for healthcare professionals within the state. This legislation, tailored specifically to Texas, places stricter standards on the handling of Protected Health Information (PHI) and broadens the definition of covered entities. The training mandated by HB-300 goes beyond the scope of federal HIPAA training, focusing on the additional privacy and security obligations specific to Texas. Healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and administrative staff, are required to complete this training within a specified timeframe of their employment start date and must undergo regular updates to stay abreast of changes in the law. This ensures that all healthcare personnel in Texas are not only compliant with federal standards but also well-versed in the state’s more stringent regulations regarding patient privacy and data security.

Special HIPAA Training for Healthcare Students

Healthcare students need to undergo full HIPAA training before they can access patient PHI. This training is important to ensure they understand how to handle PHI correctly and securely, especially when using it in training reports and academic work. The focus of the training is to teach students the importance of confidentiality and the correct procedures for using PHI, in line with HIPAA regulations. It is important that they learn these rules early in their training, so they are well-prepared to manage PHI responsibly in their future healthcare roles.

HIPAA Training for HIPAA Compliance Officers

HIPAA training for HIPAA compliance officers is an extensive and thorough process, often spanning several days or even weeks, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of HIPAA. This specialized training delves deep into the intricacies of HIPAA regulations, including privacy and security rules, patient rights, and the proper handling of Protected Health Information (PHI). Compliance officers are equipped with detailed knowledge on how to implement and maintain HIPAA standards within their organizations, manage potential breaches, and navigate complex scenarios that may arise in the course of maintaining compliance. The extended duration of this training is essential to thoroughly prepare these officers for the critical role they play in safeguarding patient privacy and ensuring their organization’s adherence to these crucial federal regulations.

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Increase Staff Productivity & Reduce No Shows With Better Patient Engagement

Healthcare organizations of any size can streamline workflows, increase staff productivity, maximize revenue and reduce no shows by up to 90% as benefits of patient engagement technology.

Benefits Of Patient Engagement TechnologyPatient-centric functionality enhances patient communications with automation, including appointment notification and reminders, online patient scheduling, waitlist management with last-minute cancellation fulfilment, patient experience surveys, and many other features. These can significantly enhance your patients’ perception and experience of your practice.

Typically, HIPAA compliant patient engagement systems integrate easily with all existing practice management software and have a fast return-on-investment.

Surveys Show Patients Appreciate Patient Engagement Technology

Healthcare providers have been slow to adopt communication technology, but according to an Accenture Survey, 60% of patients prefer to use technology for patient-provider communication. This is in part because the Covid crisis altered patient behaviors and expectations of technology usage in healthcare practices. Patients appreciated the more personalized interactions and faster response times that patient engagement technology brings.

Benefits Of Patient EngagementHighlighting the need to prioritize new patient acquisition and loyalty, an Actium survey** says 61% of patients want better patient engagement. 44% of respondents said they don’t regularly see their doctor and 30% said they don’t have a usual source of care, leaving the door open for organizations to register new patients.  The consumers interviewed also said that stronger patient engagement will help them go to clinics for preventive screenings and wellness checks.

Better Patient Experiences

By offering a better patient experience healthcare providers will bring patients into their clinics and keep them coming back. Adding patient engagement to practice management systems enables a clinic to connect with patients in a way that not only engages, but activates, them and makes the patient experience frictionless.

HIPAA compliant patient engagement can be easily added to any existing practice management system to enhance patient communication.

Benefits Of Patient Engagement To Healthcare Providers

  • Benefits Of Patient Engagement To Healthcare ProvidersReduce No Shows – Up to a 90% improvement in missed appointments.
  • Maximize Revenue – Patient engagement systems automatically fill empty schedule slots and encouraging annual wellness visits generates downstream revenue.
  • Improved Productivity & Focus On Patients – Streamlining and automating 24 x 7 communication reduces the burden on front desk, eliminates errors, and enable staff to spend more time on patient care.
  • More Patients – Healthcare providers who offer 24 x 7 interaction with the practice attract more patients. Recent studies show that younger patients in particular actively seek out and are willing to switch to healthcare providers that offer better digital interaction.
  • Patient Loyalty – Better communication fosters patient loyalty and trust. The added option of post-appointment surveys allow clinics to adapt to individual patients’ needs.
  • Works With Existing Practice Management Systems – A patient engagement solution integrates with all existing practice management systems meaning it is simple and fast to add.

Benefits Of Patient Engagement To Patients

Patient Engagement SystemsAnother Actium survey* highlighted two of the top reasons that patients don’t utilize preventive care as “Making appointments is too much of a hassle” and “I simply forget to make them”. They say 61% consumers surveyed report that they would like to hear more from their doctor.

Implementing a patient engagement system can have many benefits for patients, including:

  • Convenience – 24 x 7 self-scheduling is far more convenient for patients who don’t want to call the clinic when they are busy with work or personal business.
  • Self-Care – Automation encourages patients to set appointments and keep their healthcare on track.
  • Digital Registration & Forms – patients can fill out forms at their convenience before visits.

Features Of Patient Engagement Technology

Automated Appointment Notifications

  • Automatically sends reminders to patients as you or they book in appointments to reduce no-show rates.
  • Create a series of two-way customized automatic notifications to confirm and remind patients of upcoming appointments.
  • Works seamlessly with existing scheduling software and spreadsheets.
  • Integrates with EHRs and EMRs.
  • HIPAA compliant and encrypted.

Patient Self-Scheduling

  • Patients can book their own appointments 24 x 365.
  • Include ‘Schedule Now’ or ‘Request an Appointment’ links in specified notifications and reminders and on your website, social media pages and email newsletters.
  • The clinic has full control over when patients can book appointments and how long they need for each appointment type.

Waitlist Management

  • Detects cancellations in schedules and automatically fills these vacant spots with people on the waiting list.

Continuing-Care Notifications

  • Notifies patients when they are due continuing-care appointments using your scheduling and delivery preferences.

Patient Reactivation

  • Identifies patients who are overdue for appointments by monitoring visit history and recall schedules.
  • Automatically notifies them to set appointments and keep their healthcare on track.
  • Sends reminders to schedule overdue appointments.
  • Extra reminders demonstrate to patients you care about them and value their patronage. These reminders can have a significant impact on overall retention rates.

Auto Rescheduling

  • Automate the time-consuming task of rescheduling patients after appointment cancellations and no-shows. The auto-rescheduling feature detects these events and automatically contacts patients to get them rescheduled without relying on staff’ intervention.

Fill My Schedule Now

  • Maximize revenue by filling empty slots in your schedule. Fill My Schedule Now only contacts patients that match the exact parameters set by the clinic, and those patients can then easily self-book their own appointments.

Digital Registration Forms

  • Digital registration enables you to email or text patients a link to a registration form they can fill out at their convenience before visits.

Find Out More

Find out more about the Benefits Of Patient EngagementFind out more about the benefits of patient engagement solutions by filling in a form on this page. You will be contacted by a member of staff from Rectangle Health our page sponsor.

You can ask questions, request a demonstration, or arrange a no risk evaluation, all with no obligation.

Since 1983 Rectangle Health has been providing technology solutions exclusively for healthcare organizations. Their fully HIPAA compliant solutions are used by over 60,000 healthcare providers in the U.S and they process over $6 billion of patient payments annually.


The HIPAA Journal has arranged a 10% reader discount on Rectangle’s list price for their patient engagement solution.

By supporting one of our sponsors, you are helping The HIPAA Journal to continue to provide our news service free of charge.

The post Increase Staff Productivity & Reduce No Shows With Better Patient Engagement appeared first on HIPAA Journal.

Improve Patient Satisfaction With Enhanced Payment Options

Offering modern HIPAA compliant patient payment solutions provides a better customer experience for patients, encourages timely payment and is proven to bring financial savings and improved operational efficiency to any size of healthcare practice.

Adding multiple up-to-date payment options leads to improvements in satisfaction and retention levels. For example, making it convenient for patients to pay from their phones by automatically communicating balances and payment options by text and email, practice staff will spend on average 30% less time on payment collection and posting. Plus the practice will see a significant reduction in its accounts receivable numbers.

Non-Payment Is Bad For Both Patients And Healthcare Providers

Non-payment is known to be one of the main reasons why patients switch healthcare providers. Patients can become anxious when they owe money and frustrated if they find it difficult to make a payment.

Digital patient payment solutions that can be easily integrated with all existing practise management systems make it more convenient for patients to settle their medical bills. They also bring a wide array of benefits to the practice, such as improved cash flow, reduced AR rates, and staff efficiency.

Recent studies show that younger patients are open to switching healthcare provider to one that offers finance and convenient digital payments.

Features Of Patient Payment Solutions

If you don’t have digital payment options available, consider upgrading to add a variety of choices that make it easier for patients to pay their bills. Some examples include:

1. Contactless Payments

HIPAA Compliant Contactless Payments For PatientsContactless patient payment solutions are secure and can protect staff and patients’ health and safety by allowing patients to pay by touching their mobile device or card to a digital reader.

Offering contactless also means that if someone has forgotten their wallet, they can still make a payment with Apple Pay®, Google Pay™, SamsungPay® or a digital wallet.

Because contactless payments do not require patients to enter a PIN, swipe a card, or sign for a transaction, they decrease the time patients need to spend at the front desk, reducing queues and allowing your team to focus more of their valuable time on other tasks.

2. Patient Financing

Healthcare providers can encourage patients to seek medical care by offering patient financing as part of an upgraded payment solution.  The option of manageable monthly payments empowers patients to access the essential treatment they need.

Offer Patient Finance As A Payment OptionMultiple financing options are offered to patients just 30 seconds after applying, and the vast majority get approved.

Healthcare providers who offer patient financing will enhance their practice and are helping their patients who may otherwise pay surprise medical bills with expensive credit card debt.

Patient financing can strengthen cash flow and dramatically reduce accounts receivable numbers with zero risk to the practice, while at the same time increasing patient loyalty.

3. Online Payments

Online Patient Payment Solutions For HealthcarePart of a modern payment solution suite is a secure online payment gateway, allowing patients to pay online 24 x 7. Optimized for mobile devices, it also works with laptops and desktop computers, allowing patients to make payments from home or on the go.

A payment link can be added to your website, to emails, texts, and any other patient communications. This means patients will have a seamless and smooth payment experience.

Being fully integrated with your practice management software payments will be automatically posted to the patient ledger or electronic health records. This reduces errors and helps staff to monitor transactions.

4. Card On File

Card on file is functionality that allows a practice, with consent from the patient, to store their payment information securely and conveniently in a secure HIPAA compliant vault hosted in the cloud. 43% of patients say they are comfortable with automatic payments to avoid repetitive manual data entry of their debit or credit card.

Secure Online Vault For Payment SolutionsWhen patients leave a payment method on file, it means one less step during future checkouts. This can even be done ahead of visits when a patient fills out a digital registration form. The front desk can make the payment for the patient at checkout with no need to dig around for cards and a payment receipt will be automatically sent by email.

A card update feature checks stored card information and if anything has changed, the payment information is automatically updated in the vault. This saves staff time keeping up with payment information.

The healthcare organization is also protected from chargebacks or legal disputes with card on file agreements that are built in to the system and are kept on file with a patient’s record, and which can be emailed or printed for patients’ own records.

5. Subscription Payments

ubscription Payment Options For Healthcare ProvidersCard on file also enables healthcare providers to set up an automatically recurring payment to allow a patient to pay down a large out-of-pocket expense over several months. For many patients, having this interest-free option can make the difference between choosing to avail of medical care or not. This flexible payment option is a highly practical way for healthcare providers to receive more incoming payments and for patients to afford their treatment.

6. Increased Security & Fraud Prevention

With modern patient payment systems, data is never stored on the premises or servers of a healthcare provider.  Instead, the application stores all customer data in a secure, encrypted, electronic vault which is compliant with all relevant standards such as PCI, DSS, and HIPAA. The practice is also protected from the cost of fraud. Risk management experts monitor transactions and maximize security in order to detect attempts at fraud.

Summary Of Benefits To Healthcare Providers

Better Patient Payment SolutionsStreamlining your payment processes with a patient payment solution that seamlessly integrates with your existing practise management systems brings many business benefits while also providing an improved patient experience.

  • Reduced AR – Dramatically reduces accounts receivable numbers.
  • Stronger Cash Flow – Better payment options, including flexible financing means patients are able to pay medical bills immediately.
  • More Focus On Patients – Patient payment solutions bring greater staff efficiency allowing them to spend more time on patient care and less time on administration duties.
  • More Patients – Practices that offer digital payments bring in more new patients and have higher retention levels.
  • Increased Operating Margins – Practices that get paid more quickly and have less bad debts have lower accounting costs and higher margins.

Benefits Of Upgrading Payment Solutions For Patients

Empowering patients to pay bills from anywhere at any time with any internet connected device fosters patient loyalty and trust.

  • Empowerment – Flexible and varied payment options mean patients can confidently access the treatments they need.
  • Convenience – Multiple payment options provides a better, more convenient customer experience for patients.
  • Affordability – Spreading the cost with regular subscription payments or financing allows patients to receive the care they need and budget appropriately.

Find Out More About Patient Payment Solutions

Find out more about patient payment solutions by filling in a form on this page. You will be contacted by a member of staff from Rectangle Health our page sponsor.

Find out more about the Benefits Of Patient EngagementYou can ask questions, request a demonstration, or arrange a no risk evaluation, all with no obligation.

Since 1983 Rectangle Health has been providing financial technology solutions exclusively for healthcare organizations. Their fully HIPAA compliant solutions are used by over 60,000 healthcare providers in the U.S and they process over $6 billion of patient payments annually.


The HIPAA Journal has arranged a 25% reader discount on Rectangle’s list price for their patient payment solutions.

By supporting one of our sponsors, you are helping The HIPAA Journal to continue to provide our news service free of charge.

The post Improve Patient Satisfaction With Enhanced Payment Options appeared first on HIPAA Journal.

Patient Payment Options

patient payment options

Patient financing solution helps patients afford care, regardless of their credit score. With this non-recourse financing, you can focus on the treatment, and not on chasing payments.

Patient Financing

Allowing patients to say “yes” to treatment with financing options for all

Our patient financing solution helps patients afford care, regardless of their credit score. With this non-recourse financing, you can focus on the treatment, and not on chasing payments. All of the financing details are handled by Rectangle Health’s financing partner HFD, and practices receive payment shortly after patients sign up with HFD.

Patients receive multiple payment plan offers just 30 seconds after applying, and HFD handles payments so you don’t have to.
Nearly every single patient* is approved for financing. Our approval rates are unmatched.
Applications are started, and their status is visible, right inside Practice Management Bridge®– no third-party portals here.
younger patients may be switching to providers that offer digital payment solutions. This is not uncommon. According to the recent studyproduced by PYMNTS and Rectangle Health, “35% of bridge millennials and other younger patients are willing to switch healthcare providers to find better digital healthcare management tools


Digital payments mean fewer billing surprises for patients and easier revenue cycle management for healthcare providers.

Payments modernization means better customer experiences for patients as well as long-term, sustainable growth for private and group practices alike.

The post Patient Payment Options appeared first on HIPAA Journal.

FREE WEBINAR: Healthcare Compliance: Driving Effective Compliance Forward

Are you a HIPAA Officer or do you have responsibility for compliance in your organization?

Are you 100% certain that all of your policies and procedures are effective?

If regulators notified you tomorrow that you had been selected for a comprehensive compliance audit, would you welcome the chance to demonstrate that your organization has dotted all the i’s, crossed all the t’s, and has implemented an effective compliance program?

Deloitte Compliance Survey

According to a recent Deloitte survey:

  • Only 66% of compliance professionals are measuring the effectiveness of the policies and procedures in their compliance programs.
  • In the event of a compliance audit, 34% of compliance professionals could not be certain that the policies and procedures they have developed are effective in practice.

For the 66% of compliance professionals who do measure the effectiveness of their policies and procedures, how are they measuring effectiveness? What metrics are used to determine how well internal policies and procedures are working?

On Thursday, July 25th, the compliance experts at Compliancy Group will be hosting a webinar for compliance professionals to explain what it means for a compliance program to be effective and the most important benchmarks to keep track of. The webinar will also include a comprehensive overview of the HHS Office of Inspector General’s 7 Elements of an Effective Compliance Program, and strategies will be shared on how to ensure that compliance programs are effective.

For compliance officers who are not monitoring the effectiveness of their compliance programs, the webinar will be invaluable. Compliance officers who are monitoring the effectiveness of their policies and procedures will learn tips and tricks on how they can make a bigger impact in the organization they serve.

The webinar will be hosted by Liam Degnan, Senior Solutions Engineer at Compliancy Group. Liam Degnan has 8+ years of compliance experience, including risk management, SaaS sales, and regulatory compliance in the healthcare space. Liam advises healthcare decision-makers, healthcare providers, and medical vendors and speaks on a variety of platforms and topics, with an emphasis on simplifying HIPAA, OSHA, SOC 2, and other general healthcare compliance regulations.

To register for the webinar, complete the form on the right and make a note of the date in your diary. If you would like any specific compliance questions answered, you can ask them live in the webinar or email them to Compliancy Group in advance at


Healthcare Compliance: Driving Effective Compliance Forward

Speaker: Liam Degnan, Senior Solutions Engineer, Compliancy Group

Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024

Time: 2:00 p.m. ET / 1:00 p.m. CT ¦ 12:00 MT ¦ 11:00 a.m. PT

The post FREE WEBINAR: Healthcare Compliance: Driving Effective Compliance Forward appeared first on The HIPAA Journal.