Latest HIPAA News

OCR Fines Florida Contractor Physicians’ Group $500,000 for Multiple HIPAA Compliance Failures

An HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) investigation into an impermissible disclosure of PHI by a business associate of a HIPAA-covered entity revealed serious HIPAA compliance failures.

Advanced Care Hospitalists (ACH) is a Lakeland, FL-based contractor physicians’ group that provides internal medicine physicians to nursing homes and hospitals in West Florida. ACH falls under the definition of a HIPAA-covered entity and is required to comply with the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules. ACH serves approximately 20,000 patients a year and employed between 39 and 46 staff members per year during the time frame under investigation.

Between November 2011 and June 2012, ACH engaged the services of an individual who claimed to be a representative of Doctor’s First Choice billings Inc., a Florida-based provider of medical billing services. That individual used First Choice’s company name and website, but according to the owner of First Choice, those services were provided without the knowledge or permission of First Choice.

A local hospital notified ACH on February 11, 2014 that some patient information – including names, birth dates, Social Security numbers, and some clinical information – was viewable on the First Choice website. The website was shut down the following day.

In April 2014, ACH submitted a breach report to OCR about the impermissible disclosure of patients’ protected health information (PHI). Its breach report stated the PHI of 400 patients had been impermissibly disclosed, but later amended the breach report after it was discovered a further 8,855 patients’ PHI had also been impermissibly disclosed.

OCR investigated the breach and discovered that despite having been in operation since 2005, ACH did not implement any HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rule policies and procedures before April 1, 2014, and had failed to implement appropriate security measures. ACH also failed to conduct a risk analysis until March 4, 2014.

Even though PHI had been disclosed to the individual providing medical billing services, ACH failed to enter into a business associate agreement with that individual. As a result of the lack of a BAA, ACH impermissibly disclosed the PHI of 9,255 patients to a third party for billing processing services – PHI that was subsequently exposed online.

In addition to paying the $500,000 fine, ACH has agreed to implement a robust corrective action plan to correct all HIPAA compliance failures.

“This case is especially troubling because the practice allowed the names and social security numbers of thousands of its patients to be exposed on the Internet after it failed to follow basic security requirements under HIPAA,” said OCR Director Roger Severino.

The latest settlement is the ninth OCR HIPAA compliance penalty of 2018. $25,572,000 has been paid to OCR in 2018 to resolve compliance failures.

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DOJ Indicts Two Iranian Hackers for Role in SamSam Ransomware Attacks

The U.S. Department of Justice has announced significant progress has been made in the investigation of the threat actors behind the SamSam ransomware attacks that have plagued the healthcare industry over the past couple of years.

The DOJ, assisted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Calgary Police Service, and the UK’s National Crime Agency and West Yorkshire Police, have identified two Iranians who are believed to be behind the SamSam ransomware attacks.

Both individuals – Faramarz Shahi Savandi and Mohammad Mehdi Shah Mansouri – have been operating out of Iran since 2016 and have been indicted on four charges:

  • Conspiracy to commit fraud and related computer activity
  • Conspiracy to commit wire fraud
  • Intentional damage to a protected computer
  • Transmitting a demand in relation to damaging a protected computer

The DOJ reports that this is the first ever U.S. indictment against criminals over a for-profit ransomware, hacking, and extortion scheme.

In contrast to many threat actors who use ransomware for extortion, the SamSam ransomware group conducts targeted, manual attacks on organizations. Most ransomware gangs use spam email and other mass distribution techniques to infect as many individuals as possible.

The SamSam ransomware group exploits vulnerabilities and conducts brute force RDP attacks to gain access to systems, then investigates networks and moves laterally before manually deploying ransomware on as many computers as possible.

This method of attack allows the threat actors to inflict maximum damage. With a large percentage of an organization’s computers and systems taken out of action, the gang can issue large ransom demands. The ransoms demanded are typically in the range of $5,000 to $50,000, with the amount based on the number of devices that have been encrypted.

In the two years that the gang has been deploying SamSam ransomware, approximately $6,000,000 in ransom payments have been collected from around 200 victims. Many victims chose not to pay the ransom demands but still incurred significant costs mitigating the attacks. The DOJ estimates that in addition to the ransom payments, additional losses from downtime due to the attacks has exceed $30 million.

The gang’s list of victims is long and includes the cities of Newark, New Jersey and Atlanta, the Colorado Department of Transportation, and the Port of San Diego. Healthcare industry victims include Hancock Health, Adams Memorial Hospital, Kansas Heart Hospital, Allied Physicians of Michiana, Cass Regional Medical Center, Nebraska Orthopedic Hospital, LabCorp of America, Allscripts, and MedStar Health.

Research by Sophos indicates 26% of attacks were on the healthcare organizations, 13% were on government agencies, 11% were on educational institutions, and 50% were on private companies. The attacks have primarily been conducted on organizations in the United States, with other victims spread across Canada, the UK, and the Middle East.

The DOJ said the SamSam ransomware gang “engaged in an extreme form of 21st-century digital blackmail, attacking and extorting vulnerable victims like hospitals and schools, victims they knew would be willing and able to pay.”

The DOJ will continue to work with international law enforcement agencies to gather evidence and bring those responsible to justice.

The DOJ has also taken the opportunity to spread the message that all industry sectors are at risk of being attacked. “This indictment highlight[s] the need for businesses, healthcare institutions, universities, and other entities to emphasize cyber security, increase threat awareness, and harden their computer networks,” wrote the DOJ in a press release announcing the indictment.

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2.65 Million Atrium Health Patients Impacted by Business Associate Data Breach

A data breach has been reported by AccuDoc Solutions Inc., a provider of healthcare billing services, that resulted in the exposure of the protected health information of 2,650,000 patients of Atrium Health.

Morrisville, NC-based AccuDoc Solutions prepares bills for patients and operates the online payment system used by Atrium Health, a network of 44 hospitals throughout North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

On October 1, 2018, AccuDoc Solutions notified Atrium Health that some of its databases had been compromised. The breach investigation revealed hackers had gained access to AccuDoc Solutions databases between September 22 and September 29, 2018.

An extensive forensic investigation into the attack confirmed that patient information had been compromised, but the information stored in its databases could only be viewed. No PHI was downloaded by the attackers nor distributed via other channels.

AccuDoc Solutions reports that the breach was due to a security vulnerability at a third-party vendor. The business relationship with that vendor has now been terminated. AccuDoc Systems has locked out the hackers and has enhanced its security measures to prevent future attacks.

Atrium Health said the information compromised in the attack was limited to patients’ names, addresses, invoice numbers, account balances, service dates, and health insurance information. Approximately 700,000 Social Security numbers were also compromised; however, no sensitive financial information or medical records were affected.

“We are notifying the patients and guarantors who may have been impacted by this incident. We take cybersecurity very seriously, and we’ve worked very hard to determine exactly what happened, and how to prevent it from happening again,” said a spokesperson for Atrium Health. “The fact that even one record was accessed is one too many. Our patients expect us to keep all of their information private, which is why we took action so quickly.”

Atrium Health is now notifying all affected patients and has offered credit monitoring and identity theft protection services to patients impacted by the breach.

AccuDoc serves approximately 50 other healthcare providers; however only one other client was affected by the breach: Baylor Medical Center in Frisco, TX. Approximately 40,000 Baylor Medical Center patients were affected.

Based on the estimated number of individuals affected, this is the largest healthcare data breach since the 3,466,120-record breach at Newkirk Products Inc., that was reported to OCR in September 2016. It is the eleventh largest healthcare data breach reported since OCR started publishing breach summaries in 2009.

Largest Ever Healthcare Data Breaches

Rank Entity Entity Type Individuals Affected Breach Type Date
1 Anthem Inc. Health Plan 78,800,000 Hacking/IT Incident Feb-15
2 Premera Blue Cross Health Plan 11,000,000 Hacking/IT Incident Mar-15
3 Excellus Health Plan, Inc. Health Plan 10,000,000 Hacking/IT Incident Sep-15
4 Science Applications International Corporation Business Associate 4,900,000 Loss Nov-11
5 University of California, Los Angeles Health Healthcare Provider 4,500,000 Hacking/IT Incident Jul-15
6 Community Health Systems Professional Services Corporation Business Associate 4,500,000 Hacking/IT Incident Aug-14
7 Advocate Health and Hospitals Corporation, dba Advocate Medical Group Healthcare Provider 4,029,530 Theft Aug-13
8 Medical Informatics Engineering Business Associate 3,900,000 Hacking/IT Incident Jul-15
9 Banner Health Healthcare Provider 3,620,000 Hacking/IT Incident Aug-16
10 Newkirk Products, Inc. Business Associate 3,466,120 Hacking/IT Incident Aug-16
11 AccuDoc Solutions Inc. Business Associate 2,650,000 Hacking/IT Incident Nov-18
12 21st Century Oncology Healthcare Provider 2,213,597 Hacking/IT Incident Mar-16

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Ransomware Attack Results in Partial Closure of Emergency Rooms at Two Hospitals

Computer systems used by East Ohio Regional Hospital (EORH) in Martins Ferry, OH, and Ohio Valley Medical Center (OVMC) in Wheeling, WV, were taken out of action over the weekend as a result of a ransomware attack.

The ransomware started encrypting files on the evening of Friday, November 23. While the attackers succeeded in gaining access to certain systems by penetrating the first layer of security, the subsequent layer was not breached, and the protected health information of its patients was not compromised. Even so, the attack resulted in disruption to certain medical services at both hospitals.

Patients walking into the emergency room could still be processed and treated, but the hospitals were unable to accept patients from emergency squads. During the attack the hospitals switched to paper charts to ensure data protection and e-squad patients were diverted to other hospitals.

Several hospital systems were taken offline to protect the integrity of information and IT teams have been working around the clock to eradicate the ransomware, restore files, and bring systems back online. The hospitals chose not to pay the ransom demand and instead restored affected files from backups after rebuilding affected systems.

Initially it was hoped that systems would be restored by Sunday evening; however, e-squad patients were still being diverted to other hospitals on Monday evening while the IT staff restored affected systems. “We’ve made great progress, but we are not there yet,” explained Daniel Dunmyer, CEO of OVMC, “It’s taken hours for significant improvement, but it will take days for finalization.”

Until essential systems are restored, the emergency rooms will remain on yellow diversion and remain partially closed. On yellow diversion, “the EMS can call in to the ER and we can let them know if it’s a case we can taken,” explained Dunmyer. On Tuesday, the software used to read radiology and CT scans and make that information available to ER staff was still being rebuilt. Only when that system is restored will EORH/OVMC go off diversion in the ERs.

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OCR Fines Allergy Practice $125,000 for Impermissible PHI Disclosure

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has fined a Hartford allergy practice $125,000 to revolve potential violations of the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

On October 6, 2015, OCR received a copy of a civil rights complaint that had been filed with the Department of Justice (DOJ). The complainant alleged Allergy Associates of Hartford – A Connecticut healthcare provider that specializes in treating patients with allergies – had impermissibly disclosed her protected health information to a TV reporter.

The complainant had previously contacted a local TV station after she had been turned away from the allergy practice because of her service animal. The TV reporter subsequently contacted the practice seeking comment. A physician at the practice spoke to the reporter and impermissibly disclosed some of the patient’s protected health information.

OCR’s investigation confirmed there had been an impermissible disclosure of PHI, in violation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule – 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(a).

The physician in question had already been advised by the practice’s Privacy Officer to ignore the reporter’s request for comment or to respond with ‘no comment.’ However, the physician chose to speak with the reporter and disclosed some of the patient’s PHI. OCR viewed the disclosure as ‘a reckless disregard for the patient’s privacy rights.’

After Allergy Associates was contacted by OCR about the privacy breach, Allergy Associates failed to apply appropriate sanctions against the physician concerned for a violation of the practice’s privacy policies and procedures, as is required by the HIPAA Privacy Rule – 45 C.F.R. §164.530(e)(l).

“When a patient complains about a medical practice, doctors cannot respond by disclosing private patient information to the media,” explained OCR Director Roger Severino. “Because egregious disclosures can lead to substantial penalties, covered entities need to pay close attention to HIPAA’s privacy rules, especially when responding to press inquiries.”

Allergy Associates agreed to settle the case with no admission of liability. In addition to paying a financial penalty of $125,000, Allergy Associates has agreed to adopt a robust corrective action plan which includes two years of OCR monitoring the practice’s compliance with HIPAA Rules.

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53% Of Healthcare Data Breaches Due to Insiders and Negligence

The healthcare industry has had more than its fair share of hacking incidents, but the biggest threat comes from within. The actions of healthcare providers, health insurers, and their employees cause more breaches than hacks, malware, and ransomware attacks.

Researchers at Michigan State University and Johns Hopkins University analyzed data breaches reported to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) over the past 7 years and found that more than half of breaches were the result on internal negligence.

The research study, which was recently published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, is a follow-on from a 2017 study that explored the risk of hospital data breaches and the types of hospitals that were most prone to data breaches. While the previous research cast light on which hospitals were most vulnerable, little information was available on the main causes of the breaches. The latest study addresses that gap in knowledge.

The researchers performed a retrospective analysis of the 1,183 healthcare data breaches reported to OCR between October 21, 2009 and December 31, 2017. Those breaches resulted in the exposure of 164 million healthcare records.

The analysis was limited to breaches of 500 or more records, as OCR does not publish summaries of smaller breaches. The breach reports split data breaches into six categories; hacking/IT incidents, unauthorized access/disclosure incidents, theft, loss, improper disposal, and unknown. 77.6% of breaches were correctly classified and 22.24% were misclassified or the cause was unknown.

The researchers discovered that theft of data by third-parties or unknown individuals was the single leading breach cause, accounting for 32.5% of incidents, with mailing errors in second place (10.5%), followed by theft by current or former employees (9%). Internal/external hacking incidents accounted for around 20% of breaches, although those incidents involved 133.8 million of the 164 million compromised records. 53% of all breaches were found to have originated from inside healthcare organizations.

“One quarter of all the cases were caused by unauthorized access or disclosure – more than twice the amount that were caused by external hackers,” said Xuefeng Liang, associate professor of accounting and information systems at MSU’s Eli Broad College of Business and lead author of the study. “This could be an employee taking PHI home or forwarding to a personal account or device, accessing data without authorization, or even through email mistakes, like sending to the wrong recipients, copying instead of blind copying or sharing unencrypted content.”

An analysis of the location of breached PHI showed 46.1% of breaches involved mobile devices, paper records were involved in 28.7% of breaches and 29.3% of breaches involved network servers.

Typically, the actions taken by healthcare organizations post-breach were the use of encryption software, restricting the use of mobile devices, switching to digital records, improving physical security, strengthening firewalls and other cybersecurity protections, and enhancing monitoring and auditing.

While many breaches involve little risk to patients – the accidental disclosure of a name and address to another patient – the consequences of some breaches can be severe: For patients as well as the breached entity. Anthem Inc’s 78.8 million record breach in 2015 was used as an example. Many breach victims had tax returns filed in their names, resulting in financial losses.

In addition to the considerable cost of mitigating the breach – improving cybersecurity protections; hiring forensic investigators, cybersecurity consultants, and legal advisors; printing and mailing notification letters; providing credit monitoring services for breach victims – Anthem had to cover the cost of defending multiple class action lawsuits, which were ultimately settled for $115 million. Anthem has also recently been fined $16 million by OCR to resolve the HIPAA violations uncovered during its breach investigation. Anthem’s reputation has also been tarnished by the breach, the cost of which is difficult to calculate.

The findings of the study are important. “Healthcare entities must understand the causes of PHI breaches if they aim to effectively manage the trade-off between wider access or higher efficiency and more security,” explained the researchers in the paper.

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October 2018 Healthcare Data Breach Report

Our October 2018 healthcare data breach report shows there has been a month-over-month increase in healthcare data breaches with October seeing more than one healthcare data breach reported per day.

31 healthcare data breaches were reported by HIPAA-covered entities and their business associates in October – 6 incidents more than the previous month. It should be noted that one breach at a business associate was reported to OCR as three separate breaches.

Healthcare Data Breaches (by Month)

The number of breached records in September (134,006) was the lowest total for 6 months, but the downward trend did not continue in October. There was a massive increase in exposed protected health information (PHI) in October. 2,109,730 records were exposed, stolen or impermissibly disclosed – 1,474% more than the previous month. In October, the average breach size was 68,055 records and the median was 4,058 records.

Healthcare Data Breaches (records exposed by month)

Largest Healthcare Data Breaches in October 2018

There were 11 healthcare data breaches of more than 10,000 records reported in October – A 120% increases from the five 10,000+ record breaches in September. The largest healthcare data breach in October resulted in the exposure of 1.24 million records: An unauthorized access/disclosure incident at Employees Retirement System of Texas. A flaw in its ERS Online portal allowed members to view the PHI of other members.

566,217 records were exposed in a breach at Banker’s Life, a division of CNO Financial Group Inc., also an unauthorized access/disclosure incident. Employee credentials were stolen and used to gain access to company websites, resulting in the exposure and potential theft of policyholder and applicant information.

Rank Name of Covered Entity Covered Entity Type Individuals Affected Type of Breach
1 Employees Retirement System of Texas Health Plan 1248263 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure
2 CNO Financial Group, Inc. Health Plan 566217 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure
3 Health First, Inc Healthcare Provider 42000 Hacking/IT Incident
4 Jones Eye Center, P.C. Healthcare Provider 39605 Hacking/IT Incident
5 Gold Coast Health Plan Business Associate 37005 Hacking/IT Incident
6 The May Eye Care Center Healthcare Provider 30000 Hacking/IT Incident
7 CJ Elmwood Partners, L.P. Healthcare Provider 22416 Hacking/IT Incident
8 Minnesota Department of Human Services Health Plan 20800 Hacking/IT Incident
9 Catawba Valley Medical Center Healthcare Provider 20000 Hacking/IT Incident
10 National Ambulatory Hernia Institute Healthcare Provider 15974 Hacking/IT Incident

Causes of October 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches

Unauthorized access/disclosure breaches resulted in the highest number of compromised records, but hacking/IT incidents were more common in October.  October saw 16 hacking/IT incidents reported, 11 unauthorized access/disclosure incidents, and four theft incidents. There were no reports of lost PHI/ePHI and no improper disposal incidents.

Causes of October 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches

Healthcare Records Exposed by Breach Cause

Healthcare records Exposed by Breach Cause (October 2018)

Location of Breached Protected Health Information

Phishing is arguably the biggest cyber threat faced by healthcare organizations and October saw many phishing attacks reported by healthcare providers. In October, there were 9 incidents involving PHI exposure via email. There were also 9 network server-related breaches, which included hacks, malware, and ransomware attacks.

October 2018 Healthcare data Breach report - Location of Breached PHI

Data Breaches by Covered-Entity Type

In terms of the number of incidents, healthcare providers were the worst hit by data breaches in October with 20 reported breaches, followed by health plans/health insurers with 7. Four HIPAA business associate breaches were reported, three of which were by the same business associate – HealthFitness. One further breach had some business associate involvement.

In terms of the number of exposed records, health plans/insurers fared worse than other HIPAA-covered entities. 1,848,235 healthcare records were exposed at health plans/insurers, 221,994 healthcare records were exposed in healthcare provider breaches, and 39,501 records exposed by business associates.

October 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches by entity type

Healthcare Data Breaches by State

Texas was worst affected by healthcare data breaches in October. 5 breaches were reported by covered entities/business associates based in Texas. California, Connecticut, Illinois, and Washington each had 3 breaches reported. There were two breaches reported in each of Florida, Iowa, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Oregon had one breach apiece.

Penalties for HIPAA Violations in October

After a period of quiet on the HIPAA penalty front, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights announced three settlements in September related to filming patients without consent. There were followed up in October with a massive fine for Anthem Inc.

The Anthem Inc., HIPAA violation penalty was expected, and given the scale of the breach (78.8 million records), the penalty was likely to be large. After assessing the extent of HIPAA violations, the scale of the breach, and its impact, OCR fined Anthem $16,000,000. The previous largest ever HIPAA penalty was $5,550,000 (Advocate Health Care Network, 2016)

In October, a multi-state action against the health insurer Aetna was concluded and settlements were reached to resolve the HIPAA violations. The penalties related to the impermissible disclosure of 13,160 plan members’ HIV/AIDS diagnoses via a mailing. Settlements were reached with Connecticut, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia totaling $640,170. Washington was also part of the multi-state action, but the settlement amount has not yet been decided.

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AMIA Calls for Greater Alignment of Federal Data Privacy Rules

The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) is calling for the Trump Administration to tighten data privacy rules through greater alignment of HIPAA and the Common Rule and adoption of a more integrated approach to privacy that includes both the healthcare sector and consumer sector.

The call follows a request for comment by the NTIA to initiate a conversation about consumer privacy. In a letter to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), a division of the Department of Commerce, AMIA explained that its comments are informed by extensive experience of dealing with both the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the Federal Protections for Human Subjects Research (Common Rule).

Currently, there is a patchwork of federal and state regulations that complicates compliance and creates information sharing challenges which results in ‘perverse outcomes’ due to different interpretations of existing privacy policies.

AMIA illustrated the problem of the current patchwork of privacy policies using Pennsylvania and New Jersey as an example. Pennsylvania and New Jersey are neighboring states, but they have different policies covering HIV/AIDS data. If an HIV/AIDS patient from Pennsylvania was to visit a hospital in New Jersey, information on their HIV/AIDS diagnosis would not be accessible by clinicians in New Jersey, even though the information has high importance in treatment decisions. The patient would also be unlikely to receive their data from the New Jersey hospital to take back to their healthcare provider in Pennsylvania.

“AMIA encourages the administration to ensure that federal rules lay a common foundation across jurisdictional and geographic boundaries while also providing a process for jurisdictions to address local needs and norms.”

In recent years there has been a significant increase in consumer devices and information systems that record similar information to medical devices and healthcare information systems. The line between the two has been blurred. Action is therefore required to develop concordant privacy policies across health and consumer data ecosystems.

HIPAA was introduced 22 years ago in 1996 at a time when healthcare organizations were predominantly using paper records. While HIPAA has been updated to account for the shift to electronic records, AMIA points out that the adoption of health-related technologies that were unavailable in 1996 has resulted in the formation of gaps that now endanger patient privacy.

The changes made to HIPAA through the introduction of the Privacy Rule have ensured that patients have access to their health data and greater control over what is done with that information. What is now required are similar rights and protections for consumers.

While AMA does not suggest that either HIPAA or the Common Rule should be applied to the consumer data ecosystem, both “should serve as important and informative inputs to [the] conversation on consumer data privacy.”

AMA has called for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to develop a consumer data strategy that “Supports trust, safety, efficacy, and transparency across the proliferation of commercial and non-proprietary information resources,” and suggests that the time is right to develop an “ethical framework around the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of the personal information consumers may provide to organizations.”

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Do HIPAA Rules Create Barriers That Prevent Information Sharing?

The HHS has drafted a Request for Information (RFI) to discover how HIPAA Rules are hampering patient information sharing and are making it difficult for healthcare providers to coordinate patient care.

HHS wants comments from the public and healthcare industry stakeholders on any provisions of HIPAA Rules which are discouraging or limiting coordinated care and case management among hospitals, physicians, patients, and payors.

The RFI is part of a new initiative, named Regulatory Sprint to Coordinated Care, the aim of which is to remove barriers that are preventing healthcare organizations from sharing patient information while retaining protections to ensure patient and data privacy are protected.

The comments received through the RFI will guide the HHS on how HIPAA can be improved, and which policies should be pursued in rulemaking to help the healthcare industry transition to coordinated, value-based health care.

The RFI was passed to the Office of Management and Budget for review on November 13, 2018. It is currently unclear when the RFI will be issued.

Certain provisions of HIPAA Rules are perceived to be barriers to information sharing. The American Hospital Association has spoken out about some of these issues and has urged the HHS to take action.

While there are certainly elements of HIPAA Rules that would benefit from an update to improve the sharing of patient health information, in some cases, healthcare organizations are confused about the restrictions HIPAA places on information sharing and the circumstances under which PHI can be shared with other entities without the need to obtain prior authorization from patients.

The feedback HHS is seeking will be used to assess what aspects of HIPAA are causing problems, whether there is scope to remove certain restrictions to facilitate information sharing, and areas of misunderstanding that call for further guidance to be issued on HIPAA Rules.

HIPAA does permit healthcare providers to share patients’ PHI with other healthcare providers for the purposes of treatment or healthcare operations without authorization from patients. However, there is some confusion about what constitutes treatment/healthcare operations in some cases, how best to share PHI, and when it is permissible to share PHI with entities other than healthcare providers. Simplification of HIPAA Rules could help in this regard, as could the creation of a safe harbor for good faith disclosures of PHI for the purposes of case management and care co-ordination.

While the HHS is keen to create an environment where patients’ health information can be shared more freely, the HHS has made it clear is that there will not be any changes made to the HIPAA Security Rule. Healthcare providers, health plans, and business associates of HIPAA-covered entities will still be required to implement controls to ensure risks to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information are managed and reduced to a reasonable and acceptable level.

In addition to a general request for information, the HHS will specifically be seeking information on:

  • The methods of accounting of all disclosures of a patient’s protected health information
  • Patients’ acknowledgment of receipt of a providers’ notice of privacy practices
  • Creation of a safe harbor for good faith disclosures of PHI for purposes of care coordination or case management
  • Disclosures of protected health information without a patient’s authorization for treatment, payment, and health care operations
  • The minimum necessary standard/requirement.

While the RFI is likely to be issued, there are no guarantees that any of the comments submitted will result in HIPAA rule changes.

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