Latest HIPAA News

Class Action Lawsuit Seeks Damages for Victims of CVS Caremark Data Breach

An alleged healthcare data breach that saw the protected health information of patients of CVS Caremark exposed has resulted in legal action against CVS, Caremark, and its mailing vendor, Fiserv.

The lawsuit, which was filed in Ohio federal court on March 21, 2018, relates to an alleged privacy breach that occurred as a result of an error that affected a July/August 2017 mailing sent to approximately 6,000 patients.

In July 2017, CVS Caremark was contracted to operate as the pharmacy benefits manager for the Ohio HIV Drug Assistance Program (PhDAP), and under that program, CVS Caremark provides eligible patients with HIV medications and communicates with them about prescriptions.

In July/August 2017, CSV Caremark’s mailing vendor Fiserve sent letters to patients containing their membership cards and information about how they could obtain their HIV medications.

In the lawsuit the complaint alleges HIV-related information was clearly visible through the plastic windows of the envelopes, allowing the information to be viewed by postal service workers, family members, and roommates. It is alleged the mailing resulted in the disclosure of the recipient’s HIV status.

According to Ohio Department of Health policies, information related to HIV should only be sent in non-window envelopes. The mailing would have violated those policies and Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Rules.

Such a HIPAA breach would need to be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights within 60 days of discovery of the breach; however, the complainant alleges no breach report was submitted to OCR and notifications were not sent to affected individuals – A further breach of HIPAA Rules.

Plaintiffs are seeking punitive and compensatory damages and coverage of their legal costs.

There have been other breaches of HIV information in recent weeks, including a mailing error by a vendor of Aetna. In that case, HIV-related information was visible through the clear plastic windows of envelopes in a mailing to 12,000 individuals. Aetna settled a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of victims of the breach for $17,161,200 and is currently suing its mailing vendor to recover the costs. Aetna was also fined by the New York Attorney General over the breach and settled that case for $1.15 million.

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Banner Health Anticipates Potential Financial Penalty from OCR over 2016 Cyberattack

According to a financial report issued by Banner Health, OCR is investigating the colossal 2016 Banner Health data breach which saw the protected health information of 3.7 million patients exposed. The breach involved Banner Health facilities at 27 locations in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, and Wyoming and resulted in the exposure of highly sensitive protected health information including names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and health insurance information.

The attackers gained access to the payment processing system used in its food and beverage outlets with a view to obtaining credit card numbers. However, once access to the network was gained, they also accessed servers containing PHI.

Banner Health reports that it has cooperated with OCR’s investigation into the breach and has supplied information as requested. However, OCR was not satisfied with its response and the evidence supplied on its HIPAA compliance efforts. Specifically, OCR was not satisfied with the documentation supplied to demonstrate “past security assessment activities” with its responses rated as “inadequate”.

Banner Health has respond and provided additional evidence of its security efforts but “negative findings” are anticipated. Banner Health suspects a financial penalty may be pursued by OCR, although it is not known how much the penalty is likely to be.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights investigates all data breaches over 500 records. OCR can issue fines of up to $1.5 million per violation category, per year. HIPAA violations that have been allowed to persist over several years, and cases where there have been multiple violations of HIPAA Rules, can see multi-million-dollar financial penalties pursued. Fines have been issued of $25,000, although there have also been settlements in excess of $4 million dollars.

Based on previous HIPAA settlements, a breach of this magnitude is likely to see a fine toward the upper end of the spectrum.

In addition to a potential fine from OCR for non-compliance with HIPAA Rules, nine lawsuits were filed by plaintiffs affected by the 2016 data breach which have since been consolidated into a single class action lawsuit.

While many data breach lawsuits have been dismissed for lack of standing, this lawsuit appears to be going the distance. The plaintiffs have already demonstrated impending injury as a result of the exposure and theft of their health information.

Banner Health holds an insurance policy against cyberattacks although the extent of insurance coverage is not known. Banner Health is vigorously defending the lawsuit, but should its efforts fail, the health system believes a substantial proportion of the legal costs and any settlement will be covered by its cyber risk insurance policy.

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Jail Terms for HIPAA Violations by Employees

The penalties for HIPAA violations by employees can be severe, especially those involving the theft of protected health information.

HIPAA violations by employees can attract a fine of up to $250,000 with a maximum jail term of 10 years and a 2-year jail term for aggravated identity theft.

This month there have been two notable cases of HIPAA violations by employees, one of which has resulted in a fine and imprisonment, with the other likely to result in a longer spell in prison when sentencing takes place in June.

Jail Term for Former Transformations Autism Treatment Center Employee

In February, a former Behavioral Analyst at the Transformations Autism Treatment Center (TACT) was discovered to have stolen the protected health information of patients following termination.

Jeffrey Luke, 29, of Collierville, TN gained access to a TACT Google Drive account containing the PHI of patients following termination and downloaded the PHI of 300 current and former patients onto his personal computer.

Approximately one month after Luke was terminated, TACT discovered patient information had been remotely accessed and downloaded. An investigation was launched and law enforcement was notified, with the latter alerting the FBI. Luke was identified as the perpetrator from his IP address, with the search of his residence uncovering a computer containing stolen electronic patient records and TACT forms and templates.

Luke’s access rights to Google Drive had been terminated by TACT in accordance with HIPAA Rules; however, after termination, Luke had gained access to a shared Google Drive account and authorized access from his personal Gmail account.

It is unclear exactly how that was achieved after his access rights were terminated. Court documents say Luke hacked the account and law enforcement found evidence Luke had researched how to gain access to the data.

Law enforcement discovered this was not the first time Luke had stolen data from an employer. His computer also contained patient data from another former employer – Somerville, TN-based Behavioral and Counseling Services.

Luke pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 30 days in jail and 3 years of supervised release. Luke was also ordered to pay $14,941.36 in restitution.

This case sends a message to healthcare employees considering stealing healthcare data to sell, use, or pass on to a new employer, that data theft carries stiff penalties. While Luke will only serve 30 days in jail, he will have a criminal record which will hamper future employment.

Healthcare organizations should also take precautions to minimize the opportunity for ex-employees to access PHI remotely after they have left employment. When an employment contract ends, or an employee is terminated, access to all systems must be blocked and passwords should be changed on any shared accounts.

Nursing Home Employee Pleads Guilty to Theft of Credit Card Numbers

A former employee at a nursing home in St. Louis County, MO has pleaded guilty to the theft of credit card numbers.

Shaniece Borney, 29, of St. Louis County, was employed at a NHC Health Care nursing home between 2016 and 2017. Borney abused her access to the computer system and stole the credit card details of patients. The credit card details were used to make purchases for herself and family members.

Borney faces up to 10 years in jail and could be fined up to $250,000 and will be required to pay restitution to the victims of the fraud. Borney will be sentenced on June 21, 2018.

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Healthcare Data Breach Statistics

We have compiled healthcare data breach statistics from October 2009 when the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights first started publishing summaries of healthcare data breaches on its website.

The healthcare data breach statistics below only include data breaches of 500 or more records as smaller breaches are not published by OCR. The breaches include closed cases and breaches still being investigated by OCR.

Our healthcare data breach statistics clearly show there has been an upward trend in data breaches over the past 9 years, with 2017 seeing more data breaches reported than any other year since records first started being published.

There have also been notable changes over the years in the main causes of breaches. The loss/theft of healthcare records and electronic protected health information dominated the breach reports between 2009 and 2015, although better policies and procedures and the use of encryption has helped reduce these easily preventable breaches. Our healthcare data breach statistics show the main causes of healthcare data breaches is now hacking/IT incidents, with unauthorized access/disclosures also commonplace.

Healthcare Data Breaches by Year

Between 2009 and 2017 there have been 2,181 healthcare data breaches involving more than 500 records. Those breaches have resulted in the theft/exposure of 176,709,305 healthcare records.  That equates to more than 50% of the population of the United States (54.25%). Healthcare data breaches are now being reported at a rate of more than one per day.

Healthcare data breaches 2019-2017

Healthcare Records Exposed by Year

While there has been a general upward trend in the number of records exposed each year, there was a massive improvement in 2017 – the best year since 2012 in terms of the number of records exposed. However, while breaches were smaller in 2017, it was a record breaking year in terms of the number of healthcare data breaches reported – 359 incidents.

Records Exposed in Healthcare data breaches

Average/Median Healthcare Data Breach Size by Year

Average Size of Healthcare Data Breaches


Median Size of Healthcare Data Breaches


Largest Healthcare Data Breaches (2009-2017)

Rank Year Entity Entity Type Records Exposed/Stolen Cause of Breach
1 2015 Anthem, Inc. Affiliated Covered Entity Health Plan 78800000 Hacking/IT Incident
2 2015 Premera Blue Cross Health Plan 11000000 Hacking/IT Incident
3 2015 Excellus Health Plan, Inc. Health Plan 10000000 Hacking/IT Incident
4 2011 Science Applications International Corporation Business Associate 4900000 Loss
5 2014 Community Health Systems Professional Services Corporation Business Associate 4500000 Theft
6 2015 University of California, Los Angeles Health Healthcare Provider 4500000 Hacking/IT Incident
7 2013 Advocate Medical Group Healthcare Provider 4029530 Theft
8 2015 Medical Informatics Engineering Business Associate 3900000 Hacking/IT Incident
9 2016 Banner Health Healthcare Provider 3620000 Hacking/IT Incident
10 2016 Newkirk Products, Inc. Business Associate 3466120 Hacking/IT Incident
11 2016 21st Century Oncology Healthcare Provider 2213597 Hacking/IT Incident
12 2014 Xerox State Healthcare, LLC Business Associate 2000000 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure
13 2011 IBM Business Associate 1900000 Unknown
14 2011 GRM Information Management Services Business Associate 1700000 Theft
15 2010 AvMed, Inc. Health Plan 1220000 Theft
16 2015 CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Health Plan 1100000 Hacking/IT Incident
17 2014 Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services Health Plan 1062509 Hacking/IT Incident
18 2011 The Nemours Foundation Healthcare Provider 1055489 Loss
19 2010 BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Inc. Health Plan 1023209 Theft
20 2011 Sutter Medical Foundation Healthcare Provider 943434 Theft

Healthcare Hacking Incidents by Year

Our healthcare data breach statistics show hacking is now the leading cause of healthcare data breaches, although healthcare organizations are now much better at detecting breaches when they do occur. The low hacking/IT incidents in the earlier years is likely to be due, in part, to the failure to detected hacking incidents and malware infections quickly. Many of the hacking incidents in 2014-2017 occurred many months, and in come cases years, before they were detected.

Healthcare Data Breaches - Hacking


Records Exposed in Healthcare Data Breaches - Hacking

Unauthorized Access/Disclosures by Year

As with hacking, healthcare organizations are getting better at detecting internal breaches and also reporting those breaches to the Office for Civil Rights. While hacking is the main cause of breaches, unauthorized access/disclosure incidents are in close second.

Healthcare Data Breaches - unauthorized access/disclosures


records exposed in authorized access/disclosures

Loss/Theft of PHI and Unencrypted ePHI by Year

Our healthcare data breach statistics show HIPAA covered entities and business associates have got significantly better at protecting healthcare records with administrative, physical, and technical controls such as encryption, although unencrypted laptops and other electronic devices are still being left unsecured in vehicles and locations accessible by the public.

healthcare theft/loss data breaches


records exposed by healthcare theft/loss data breaches

Improper Disposal of PHI/ePHI by Year

healthcare data breaches - improper disposal incidents


records exposed in healthcare improper disposal incidents


Breaches by Entity Type

Year Provider Health Plan Business Associate Other Total
2009 14 1 3 0 18
2010 134 21 44 0 199
2011 137 20 42 1 200
2012 155 22 36 4 217
2013 199 18 56 5 278
2014 202 71 41 0 314
2015 196 62 11 0 269
2016 257 51 19 0 327
2017 288 52 19 0 359
Total 1582 318 271 10 2181

OCR Settlements and Fines for HIPAA Violations

The penalties for HIPAA violations can be severe with multi-million-dollar fines possible when violations have been allowed to persist for several years or when multiple violations of HIPAA Rules have been allowed to occur.

The penalty structure for HIPAA violations is detailed in the infographic below:

Penalty Structure for HIPAA Violations

OCR Settlements and Fines Over the Years

The data for the healthcare data breach statistics on fines and settlements can be viewed on our HIPAA violation fines page, which details all HIPAA violation fines issued by OCR between 2008 and 2018. As the graph below shows, there has been a steady increase in HIPAA enforcement over the past 9 years.

HIPAA Fines and Settlements 2008-2017


How Much Has OCR Fined HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates?

In addition to an increase in fines and settlements, the level of fines has increased substantially. Multi-million-dollar fines for HIPAA violations are now the norm.

HIPAA Fine and Settlement Amounts 2008-2017


average HIPAA Fines and Settlements 2008-2017


Median HIPAA Fines and Settlements 2008-2017

As the graphs above show, there has been a sizable increase in both the number of settlements and civil monetary penalties and the fine amounts in recent years. OCR’s budget has been cut so there are fewer resources to put into pursuing financial penalties in HIPAA violation cases. 2018 is likely to see fewer fines for HIPAA covered entities than the past two years, although settlement amounts are likely to remain high and even increase in 2018.OCR Director Roger Severino has indicated financial penalties are most likely to be pursued for particularly egregious HIPAA violations.

State Attorneys General HIPAA Fines and Other Financial Penalties for Healthcare Organizations

State attorneys general can issue fines ranging from $100 per HIPAA violation up to a maximum of $25,000 per violation category, per year.

Even when action is taken by state attorneys general over potential HIPAA violations, healthcare organizations are typically fined for violations of state laws. Only a handful of U.S. states have issued fines solely for HIPAA violations

Some of the major fines issued by state attorneys general for HIPAA violations and violations of state laws are listed below.


Year State Covered Entity Amount Individuals affected Settlement/CMP Reason
2018 NY EmblemHealth $575,000 81,122 Settlement Mailing error
2018 NY Aetna $1,150,000 12,000 Settlement Mailing error
2017 CA Cottage Health System $2,000,000 More than 54,000 Settlement Failure to adequately protect medical records
2017 MA Multi-State Billing Services $100,000 2,600 Settlement Theft of unencrypted laptop containing PHI
2017 NJ Horizon Healthcare Services Inc., $1,100,000 3.7 million Settlement Loss of unencrypted laptop computers
2017 VT SAManage USA, Inc. $264,000 660 Settlement Spreadsheet indexed by search engines and PHI viewable
2017 NY CoPilot Provider Support Services, Inc $130,000 221,178 Settlement Delayed breach notification
2015 NY University of Rochester Medical Center $15,000 3,403 Settlement List of patients provided to nurse who took it to a new employer
2015 CT Hartford Hospital/ EMC Corporation $90,000 8,883 Settlement Theft of unencrypted laptop containing PHI
2014 MA Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island $150,000 12,000 Settlement Loss of backup tapes containing PHI
2014 MA Boston Children’s Hospital $40,000 2,159 Settlement Loss of laptop containing PHI
2014 MA Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center $100,000 3,796 Settlement Loss of laptop containing PHI
2013 MA Goldthwait Associates $140,000 67,000 Settlement Improper disposal
2012 MN Accretive Health $2,500,000 24,000 Settlement Mishandling of PHI
2012 MA South Shore Hospital $750,000 800,000 Settlement Loss of backup tapes containing PHI
2011 VT Health Net Inc. $55,000 1,500,000 Settlement Loss of unencrypted hard drive/delayed breach notifications
2011 IN WellPoint Inc. $100,000 32,000 Settlement Failure to report breach in a reasonable timeframe
2010 CT Health Net Inc. $250,000 1,500,000 Settlement Loss of unencrypted hard drive/delayed breach notifications

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Analysis of February 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches

Our February 2018 healthcare data breach report details the major data breaches reported by healthcare providers, health plans, and business associates in February 2018.

Summary of February 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches

February may have been a shorter month, but there was an increase in the number of healthcare data breaches reported to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights. In February, HIPAA covered entities and business associates reported 25 breaches – a 19% month on month increase in breaches.

Healthcare Data Breaches by Month

While there was a higher breach tally this month, the number of healthcare records exposed as a result of healthcare data breaches fell by more than 100,000. In January 428,643 healthcare records were exposed. February 2018 healthcare data breaches saw 308,780 healthcare records exposed.

Records exposed in Healthcare Data Breaches

Largest Healthcare Data Breaches of February 2018

The largest healthcare data breaches reported to the Office for Civil Rights in February are listed below.

Covered Entity Covered Entity Type Individuals Affected Type of Breach Location of PHI
St. Peter’s Surgery & Endoscopy Center Healthcare Provider 134,512 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Tufts Associated Health Maintenance Organization, Inc. Health Plan 70,320 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Paper/Films
Triple-S Advantage, Inc. Health Plan 36,305 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Paper/Films
CarePlus Health Plan Health Plan 11,248 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Paper/Films
Union Lake Supermarket, LLC Healthcare Provider 9,956 Improper Disposal Other Portable Electronic Device

The top five data breaches were responsible for 85% of all exposed healthcare records in February. The largest data breach – a malware-related incident at St. Peter’s Surgery & Endoscopy Center – accounted for 43.6% of the exposed healthcare records in February.

Main Causes of February 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches

Unauthorized access/disclosures topped the list of the main causes of healthcare data breaches in February 2018 with 12 incidents and included three of the most serious breaches. Hacking incidents were in close second with 9 breaches, followed by three loss/theft incidents and one case of improper disposal of ePHI.

Causes of February 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches

Records Exposed by Breach Type

Hacking/IT incidents were the second biggest cause of healthcare data breaches in February, but the incidents resulted in the exposure/theft of the largest amount of healthcare data.

Records Exposed by Breach Type

Location of Breached Records

Overall, there were more breaches involving electronic health data than physical records, although breaches involving paper/films were the most numerous with 6 incidents. The breach reports show that while technological controls are essential to prevent hacks and unauthorized access/disclosures of electronic records, physical security is important for paper records and administrative safeguards are necessary to prevent unauthorized access. All six of the breaches involving paper/films were unauthorized access/disclosures.

Location of breached healthcare records (February 2018)

Data Breaches by Covered Entity

Healthcare providers were the worst affected by data breaches in February with 15 incidents (reported by 14 healthcare providers). There were three breaches reported by pharmacies in February. 8 data breaches were reported by 7 health plans and two security incidents were reported by business associates.

Data Breaches by Covered Entity (February 2018)

Healthcare provider breaches exposed the most health records in February. 168,732 records were exposed by healthcare providers. The mean breach size was 11,248 records and the median breach size was 1,670 records.

Health plans experienced fewer breaches, but the incidents were more severe. 133,580 records were exposed by health plans. The mean breach size was 16,698 records and the median breach size was 6,075 records. The mean and median breach size for business associate data breaches was 3,234 records.

Records exposed by covered entity (February 2018)

February 2018 Healthcare Data Breaches by State

Healthcare organizations based in 18 states reported data breaches in February 2018. There were six states that experienced 2 data breaches– Alabama, California, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.

Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, and Virginia each had one data breach reported.

Financial Penalties for HIPAA Covered Entities in February 2018

The Office for Civil Rights settled one HIPAA violation case in February. Filefax Inc, agreed to settle potential HIPAA violations with OCR for $100,000. The financial penalty sent a message to HIPAA-covered entities and their business associates that HIPAA responsibilities do not end when a business ceases trading. The fine relates to HIPAA violations that occurred after the business closed – the improper disposal of paperwork containing protected health information.

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Survey Reveals 62% of Healthcare Organizations Have Experienced a Data Breach in the Past Year

A recent Ponemon Institute survey has revealed 62% of healthcare organizations have experienced a data breach in the past 12 months. More than half of those organizations experienced data loss as a result.

The Merlin International sponsored survey was conducted on 627 healthcare industry leaders from hospitals and payer organizations. 67% of respondents worked in hospitals with 100-500 beds and had an estimated 10,000 to 100,000 networked devices.

Last year more than 5 million healthcare records were exposed or stolen, and the healthcare was the second most targeted industry behind the business sector. 2017 was the fourth consecutive year that the healthcare industry has been second for data breaches and there are no signs that cyberattacks are likely to reduce over the coming year.

Even though there is a high probability of experiencing a cyberattack, 51% of surveyed organizations have yet to implement an incident response program. This lack of preparedness can hamper recovery if a cyberattack is experienced. As the Cost of a Data Breach Study by the Ponemon Institute showed, a fast response to a data breach can limit the harm caused to breach victims and reduce the cost of mitigating such an attack. Respondents reported that the cost of mitigating an attack and dealing with the fallout from a network compromise was approximately $4 million.

When asked about the biggest threats to their organization and the types of attack that caused the most concern there was little to choose between internal and external threats, which were rated as a top concern by 64% and 63% of respondents respectively. The main perceived targets for hackers were electronic medical records (77%), patient billing information (56%), login credentials (54%), other authentication credentials (49%), and research information (45%).

The methods used to gain access to networks and data were highly varied. The main method of attack was the exploitation of software and operating system vulnerabilities and the use of malware. 71% of respondents said vulnerabilities were exploited while 69% said attacks involved the use of malware. 37% of organizations had experienced ransomware attacks.

The security of medical devices is a major concern, especially since they are a blind spot in many organizations. 65% of respondents said medical devices were not included in their overall cybersecurity strategy or they didn’t know if they were. 31% of respondents said they did not have any plans to include medical devices in their cybersecurity strategies in the near future.

The HHS’ Office for Civil Rights has raised awareness of the need to provide ongoing security awareness training to staff and companies such as Cofense have published data to show how security awareness training and phishing simulations can greatly reduce susceptibility to phishing attacks. However, many healthcare organizations are not heeding that advice and are not providing training regularly. Many healthcare organizations are still only providing security awareness training to employees annually. It is therefore unsurprising that 52% of respondents said a lack of employee security awareness was hampering their ability to improve their security posture.

74% believed the biggest obstacle preventing them from improving security was staffing issues and 60% said they do not have staff with the right cybersecurity qualifications in-house. 51% of respondents said that have not yet appointed a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

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2018 HIPAA Changes and Enforcement Outlook

Are there likely to be major 2018 HIPAA changes? What does this year have in store in terms of new HIPAA regulations? OCR Director Roger Severino has hinted there could be some 2018 HIPAA changes and that HIPAA enforcement in 2018 is unlikely to slowdown.

Are Major 2018 HIPAA Changes Likely?

The Trump administration has made it clear that there should be a decrease rather than an increase in regulation in the United States. In January 2017, Trump signed an executive order calling for a reduction in regulation, which was seen to be hampering America’s economic growth. At the time Trump said, “If there’s a new regulation, they have to knock out two. But it goes far beyond that, we’re cutting regulations massively for small business and for large business.”

While Trump was not specifically referring to healthcare, it is clear we are currently in a period of deregulation. Trump’s words were recently echoed by Severino at the HIMSS conference who confirmed the HSS understands deregulation in some areas is required before further regulations can be introduced.

Therefore, there are unlikely to be major 2018 HIPAA changes, at lease not in terms of increased regulation. What is more likely is an easing of the administrative burden on healthcare organizations in 2018.

OCR is currently reviewing existing HIPAA regulations to determine whether all aspects of HIPAA Rules are still relevant and if there are any areas where the administrative burden on healthcare organizations can be eased. OCR is looking at the benefit of various provisions of HIPAA and whether those benefits outweigh the costs.

The HHS has said its goals are “reducing the burden of compliance” and “streamlining its regulations,” while promoting “meaningful information sharing”.

2018 HIPAA changes could make life simpler for many healthcare organizations as the HHS attempts to minimize duplication and burdensome requirements and eliminate outdated restrictions and obsolete regulations.

HIPAA Enforcement in 2018

In 2016 there was a significant increase in HIPAA enforcement activities by OCR with more settlements reached with covered entities and business associates than any other year since the HIPAA Enforcement Rule was signed into law. In 2016 there were 12 settlements and one civil monetary penalty issued and 2017 HIPAA settlements were well above average levels, with 9 settlements and one civil monetary penalty. So, what can we expect for HIPAA enforcement in 2018?

At HIMSS 2018, Roger Severino gave a presentation on HIPAA compliance, enforcement, and policy updates from the Office for Civil Rights and made it clear OCR will continue to pursue settlements with HIPAA covered entities for egregious violations of HIPAA Rules. Severino said OCR still has the same enforcement mindset and that there will be “no slowdown in our enforcement efforts,” and “we’re still looking for big, juicy, egregious cases.” That does not necessarily mean large healthcare organizations. OCR treats potential HIPAA violations on a case by case basis, and smaller healthcare organizations may similarly be punished if they are discovered to have violated HIPAA Rules.

Severino said OCR does not want to fine healthcare organizations for violating HIPAA Rules and wants the settlements to reduce, but for that to happen, healthcare organizations must improve their compliance programs. 2018 HIPAA enforcement is likely to continue to see financial penalties issued for common HIPAA violations such as the failure to conduct regular risk assessments.  Already, 2018 has seen two settlements announced. A $100,000 penalty for Filefax, Inc., and a $3,500,000 settlement with Fresenius Medical Care North America. Time will tell if this was a blip or if that pace will be maintained throughout the year.

OCR is not the only enforcer of HIPAA Rules. State attorneys general can also issue fines for HIPAA violations, and the New York AG has been active in this area in recent weeks, fining EmblemHealth $575,000 in March and Aetna $1,150,000 in January. Further financial settlements are likely to be pursued in NY and other states to resolve HIPAA violations and privacy and security-related breaches of state laws.

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HIMSS Survey Reveals Top Healthcare Security Threats

HIMSS has published the results of its annual healthcare cybersecurity survey, which provides insights into the state of cybersecurity in healthcare and identified the top healthcare security threats.

The HIMSS 2018 cybersecurity survey was conducted on 239 respondents from the healthcare industry between December 2017 and January 2018. The results of the survey were announced at the HIMSS 2018 Conference & Exhibition in Las Vegas.

36.8% of respondents had positions in executive management and 37.2% were employed in non-executive management positions. The remaining 25.9% were in non-management positions such as cybersecurity specialists and analysts. 41.2% of respondents were primarily responsible for cybersecurity, 32.6% had some responsibility, and 11.8% sometimes had responsibility for cybersecurity.

Most Healthcare Organizations Have Experienced a Significant Security Incident in the Past 12 Months

The threat of healthcare cyberattacks is greater than ever and the past 12 months has been a torrid year. In the past 12 months, 75.7% of respondents said they had experienced a recent significant security incident. 96% of those respondents were able to characterize the threat actor responsible, with the top three being online scam artists such as phishers (37.6%), negligent insiders (20.8%), and hackers (20.1%).

61.4% of respondents said email was the main initial point of compromise. In second place was ‘other’ which included compromised customer networks, web application attacks, guessed passwords, misconfigured software/cloud services, and human error. In joint third – both with 3.2% of responses – was a compromised organizational website and hardware/software pre-loaded with malware.  11.6% said they did not know how the attackers gained access to their networks/data.

In the majority of cases (68.2%), incidents were discovered internally (40.7% by security teams / 27.5% by non-security personnel). 67.7% of breaches were detected within 7 days, with 47.1% detected within 24 hours.

Healthcare Cybersecurity Is Improving

The past 12 months have seen an increase in healthcare security incidents, although the severity of data breaches has reduced year over year. This indicates cybersecurity in healthcare is improving, which was backed up by the HIMSS survey results.

84.3% of respondents said more resources are now being used to address cybersecurity with only 3.3% saying resources have decreased year over year.  60% of respondents said their organization now employs a senior information security leader.

55.8% of respondents said a dedicated or defined amount of the current budget is allocated for cybersecurity. 26.5% of respondents said there was no specific carve out for cybersecurity but money was being spent as needed or could be requested. Only 2.8% said no money is spent on cybersecurity.

HIPAA requires healthcare organizations to conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential threats to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information. The survey revealed healthcare organizations are being proactive and are conducting risk assessments and using the results to direct their cybersecurity efforts.

45.5% said they are performing security risk assessments annually, 5.6% were conducting risk assessments every 6 months, 9% performed risk assessments once a month, and 9.6% said they performed risk assessments daily. Alarmingly, 5.1% said they do not perform risk assessments and 4.5% conducted risk assessments less frequently than once a year.

Actions Directed by Risk Assessments

Source: HIMSS

Plenty of Room for Improvement

While cybersecurity is improving, there are still multiple areas where improvements can and should be made and too little is being done to deal with the main healthcare security threats. The recent HIPAA compliance audits and penalties for HIPAA violations have prompted many healthcare organizations to concentrate on HIPAA compliance, which has been a greater priority than security.

HIMSS says compared to other industry sectors, healthcare cybersecurity programs lack maturity and that typically cybersecurity programs have only been running for five or fewer years. HIMSS suggests that even with the healthcare industry being heavily targeted by cybercriminals, “many cybersecurity professionals are still getting used to the idea that there are bad actors out there that are directly or indirectly targeting healthcare organizations.”

The main barriers for remediating and mitigating cyberattacks were a lack of appropriate personnel (52.4%) and a lack of financial resources (46.6%). Other barriers were too many application vulnerabilities (28.6%), too many endpoints (27.5%), too many new and emerging threats (27%) not enough cyber security intelligence (23.3%) and a network infrastructure that was too complex to secure (20.6%).

13.3% said they had no cybersecurity staff and 43.2% said their ratio of cybersecurity staff to IT users was greater than 1:500.

The majority of organizations are spending 6% or less of their IT budgets on cybersecurity, 16.9% of organizations had not adopted a cybersecurity framework, and 37.1% of organizations only conducted penetration tests annually. Even though the threat from within is significant, 24.2% of healthcare organizations did not have an insider threat management program and 27% said they had such a program but it was informal.

Phishing and email attacks are major concerns and are behind the majority of healthcare security breaches and OCR has also made it clear that phishing and security awareness training should be an ongoing process, yet 51.8% of healthcare organizations are still only conducting security awareness training annually. Only 32.9% said they test their employees phishing awareness with phishing simulations.

Top Healthcare Security Threats

There are many healthcare security threats, although some are perceived to pose more of a threat than others. There was little to choose between the three main threats to network and data security. Data breaches and data leakage were ranked as top healthcare security threats by 11.8% of respondents, ransomware was in second place rated as a top cybersecurity threat by 11.3% of respondents, with credential stealing malware in third place on 11%. Malicious insiders were seen as a major threat by 10.1% of respondents and wiper malware was rated as a serious threat by 10% of respodents.

When asked about future cybersecurity priorities the top areas were incident response (11.9%), risk assessment and management (11.9%), business continuity and disaster recovery (11.8%), awareness training programs (11.6%), cloud security (11.2%), website security (10.8%), physical security (10.7%), and information sharing (10.4%).

The full results of the HIMSS 2018 Cybersecurity survey can be viewed here.

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EmblemHealth Fined $575,000 by NY Attorney General for HIPAA Breach

A 2016 mailing error by EmblemHealth that saw the Health Insurance Claim Numbers of 81,122 plan members printed on the outside of envelopes has resulted in a $575,000 settlement with the New York Attorney General.

While all mailings include a unique patient identifier on the envelope, in this case the potential for harm was considerable as Health Insurance Claim numbers are formed using the Social Security numbers of plan members.

Announcing the settlement, New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman explained that Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Rules require HIPAA covered entities to implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality of patients’ and plan members’ protected health information.

The error that saw Social Security numbers exposed violated HIPAA Rules. EmblemHealth failed to comply with “many standards and procedural specifications” required by HIPAA. Attorney General Schneiderman also said that printing Social Security numbers on the outside of envelopes violated New York General Business Law § 399-ddd(2)(e).

In addition to the $575,000 settlement, EmblemHealth is required to adopt a robust corrective action plan that requires a comprehensive risk analysis to be conducted related to the mailing of policy documents. The results of that risk analysis must be reported to the Attorney General’s office within 180 days. Policies and procedures related to mailings must also be reviewed and updated based on the findings of the risk analysis.

EmblemHealth must catalogue, review, and monitor mailings and ensure that all employees involved in mailings receive appropriate training. They must also be instructed to report any violations of the HIPAA Minimum Necessary Standard to EmblemHealth officials to allow prompt action to be taken manage risks to plan members. EmblemHealth is also required to report all security incidents to the Attorney General’s office for a period of 3 years from the date of the settlement.

According to Attorney General Schneiderman, New York has “weak and outdated security laws” which he has attempted to address by introducing the ‘Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act’ in November 2017. There will now be a further push to get the SHIELD Act passed. Schneiderman claims the SHIELD Act will improve protections for state residents. Businesses will also be held accountable for data breaches that result in customers’ personal data being exposed.

“The careless handling of social security numbers is never acceptable,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “New Yorkers need to be able to trust that companies entrusted with their private information will guard it appropriately. This starts with good governance—which is why my office will continue to push for stronger security laws and hold businesses accountable for protecting their customers’ personal data.”

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