Latest HIPAA News

2017 Data Breach Report Reveals 305% Annual Rise in Breached Records

A 2017 data breach report from Risk Based Security (RBS), a provider of real time information and risk analysis tools, has revealed there has been a 305% increase in the number of records exposed in data breaches in the past year.

For its latest breach report, RBS analyzed breach reports from the first 9 months of 2017. RBS explained in a recent blog post, 2017 has been “yet another ‘worst year ever’ for data breaches.”

In Q3, 2017, there were 1,465 data breaches reported, bringing the total number of publicly disclosed data breaches up to 3,833 incidents for the year. So far in 2017, more than 7 billion records have been exposed or stolen.

RBS reports there has been a steady rise in publicly disclosed data breaches since the end of May, with September the worst month of the year to date. More than 600 data breaches were disclosed in September.

Over the past five years there has been a steady rise in reported data breaches, increasing from 1,966 data breaches in 2013 to 3,833 in 2017. Year on year, the number of reported data breaches has increased by 18.2%.

The severity of data breaches has also increased. In 2016, 2.3 billion records were exposed in the first 9 months of the year. In 2017, the figure jumped to 7.09 billion.

The majority of the exposed records in 2017 came from five breaches, which exposed approximately 78.5% of all the records exposed so far in 2017.

The breach at DU Caller exposed 2,000,000,000 records; the River City Media breach saw 1,374,159,612 records exposed; An unnamed web breach exposed 711,000,000 records; and the EmailCar breach saw 267,000,000 records exposed.

Those five breaches made the top ten list of the worst data breaches of all time, and were ranked as the 2nd, 3rd,  4th, and 9th worst data breaches of all time. With the exception of one breach in 2014, all of the top ten data breaches of all time have been discovered in 2016 (4) and 2017 (5).

While the above five breaches involved the most records, the most severe data breach of the year to date was the breach at Equifax, which exposed the records of 145,500,000 individuals. The breach only ranks in 18th place in the list of the worst data breaches of all time, but RBS rates it as the most severe data breach of 2017 due to the nature of data obtained by the hackers.

The main cause of 2017 data breaches, by some distance, was hacking. 1,997 data breaches were due to hacks, 433 breaches were due to skimming, phishing was behind 290 breaches, viruses caused 256 breaches, and 206 breaches were due to web attacks.

Web attacks may have come in at fifth place in terms of the number of breaches, but the attacks resulted in the greatest number of exposed records – 68.5% of the total. Hacking accounted for 30.9% of exposed records.

The business sector has been worst affected by data breaches in 2017, accounting for 68.5% of the total, followed by ‘unknown’ on 12.6%. Medical data breaches were in third place accounting for 8.5% of the total.

RBS reports that there have been 69 data breaches reported in 2017 that involved the exposure or more than a million records.

The Risk Based Security 2017 Data Breach Report can be viewed here.

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Healthcare Data Breach Statistics Questioned

Large healthcare providers experience more data breaches than smaller healthcare providers, at least that is what the healthcare data breach statistics from a spring Johns Hopkins University’s Care School of Business report show.

For the study, the researchers used breach reports submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights. HIPAA-covered entities are required to submit breach reports to OCR, and under HITECT Act requirements, OCR publishes the breaches that impact more than 500 individuals.

The Ge Bai, PhD., led study, which was published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, indicates between 2009 and 2016, 216 hospitals had reported a data breach and 15% of hospitals reported more than one breach. The analysis of the breach reports suggest teaching hospitals are more likely to suffer data breaches – a third of breached hospitals were major teaching centers. The study also suggested larger hospitals were more likely to experience data breaches.

Now, a team of doctors from Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, TN have called the data breach statistics details in the Johns Hopkins study into question, pointing out a number of potential errors could have crept in due to the nature of the data available. Daniel Fabbri, PhD wrote to JAMA Internal Medicine pointing out that the claims made by Bai and his team may not be correct.

“Such a broad claim neglects inherent biases in data collection and reporting practices,” wrote Fabbri in the letter.  He explained that the data set available to the researchers only includes data breaches of 500 or more individuals, not smaller breaches which are not published. Larger hospitals have more patients, and could therefore be more likely to reach the 500-patient threshold for inclusion in the data set.

The researchers also argue, that in order for a breach to be reported, it must first be detected. Larger cybersecurity budgets mean more cybersecurity staff and better technology. Breaches are more likely to be detected by larger hospitals, whereas a breach at a smaller healthcare organization may remain undetected for longer. Regardless of size, hospitals are likely to be able to detect lost or stolen devices, but detecting insider breaches is likely to take much longer for smaller hospitals that lack technology and the resources to conduct internal audits of data access logs.

They also explain that there may be issues with the quality of the data. Just because it is a requirement of HIPAA to report data breaches, that does not necessarily mean that healthcare organizations will.

The Vanderbilt team explain “This nonuniform treatment of breaches based on size, instead of impact, offense, or rate-per-employee biases the results and can negatively impact perceived patient privacy and security risks. Small-scale violations are just as important and can be even more impactful.”

Bai and her team have responded to the letter and have agreed that there are issues with the 500-individual threshold for reporting, but explain that larger hospitals have more PHI and “combined with teaching hospitals’ need for broad data access, this creates significant targets for cyber criminals, compared with smaller institutions that might be the main reason for their relatively high risks of data breaches.”

It stands to reason that large healthcare organizations, with larger volumes of health data are an attractive target for cybercriminals. Large quantities of data mean a big payday for hackers. However, that does not necessarily mean they are targeted by cybercriminals much more than smaller organizations. Fort Knox holds significant gold reserves, but most bank robbers attack easier targets. TheDarkOverlord, a hacking group well known for targeting the healthcare industry, tends to attack smaller healthcare organizations – They are typically easier to attack as they do not have the resources or staff of their larger counterparts to devote to cybersecurity.

What is clear, is that based on the data available, obtaining meaningful healthcare data breach statistics is problematic. As the Vanderbilt researchers explained, it is difficult to conduct meaningful research based on the data set available, especially research that could be used as a basis to change hospital privacy practices.

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Is G Suite HIPAA Compliant?

Is G Suite HIPAA compliant? Can G Suite be used by HIPAA-covered entities without violating HIPAA Rules?

Google has developed G Suite to include privacy and security protections to keep data secure, and those protections are of a sufficiently high standard to meet the requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule. Google will also sign a business associate agreement (BAA) with HIPAA covered entities. So, is G Suite HIPAA compliant? G Suite can be used without violating HIPAA Rules, but HIPAA compliance is more about the user than the cloud service provider.

Making G Suite HIPAA Compliant (by default it isn’t)

As with any secure cloud service or platform, it is possible to use it in a manner that violates HIPAA Rules. In the case of G Suite, all the safeguards are in place to allow HIPAA covered entities to use G Suite in a HIPAA compliant manner, but it is up to the covered entity to ensure that G Suite is configured correctly. It is possible to use G Suite and violate HIPAA Rules.

Obtain a BAA from Google

One important requirement of HIPAA is to obtain a signed, HIPAA-compliant business associate agreement (BAA).

Google first agreed to sign a business associate agreement with healthcare organizations in 2013, back when G Suite was known as Google Apps. The BAA must be obtained prior to G Suite being used to store, maintain, or transmit electronic protected health information. Even though privacy and security controls are in place, the failure to obtain a BAA would be a HIPAA violation.

Obtaining a signed BAA from Google is the first step toward HIPAA compliance, but a BAA alone will not guarantee compliance with HIPAA Rules.

Configure Access Controls

Before G Suite can be used with any ePHI, the G Suite account and services must be configured correctly via the admin console. Access controls must be set up to restrict access to the services that are used with PHI to authorized individuals only. You should set up user groups, as this is the easiest way of providing – and blocking – access to PHI, and logs and alerts must be also be configured.

You should also make sure all additional services are switched off if they are not required, switch on services that include PHI ‘on for some organizations,’ and services that do not involve PHI can be switched on for everyone.

Set Device Controls

HIPAA-covered entities must also ensure that the devices that are used to access G Suite include appropriate security controls. For example, if a smartphone can be used to access G Suite, if that device is lost or stolen, it should not be possible for the device to be used by unauthorized individuals. A login must be required to be entered on all mobiles before access to G Suite is granted, and devices configured to automatically lock. Technology that allows the remote erasure of all data (PHI) stored on mobile devices should also be considered. HIPAA-covered entities should also set up two-factor authentication.

Not All Google Services are Covered by the BAA

You may want to use certain Google services even if they are not covered by the BAA, but those services cannot be used for storing or communicating PHI. For example, Google+ and Google Talk are not included in the BAA and cannot be used with any PHI.

If you do decide to leave these services on, you must ensure that your policies prohibit the use of PHI with these services and that those policies are effectively communicated to all employees. Employees must also receive training on G Suite with respect to PHI to ensure HIPAA Rules are not accidentally violated.

What Services in G Suite are HIPAA Compliant?

At the time of writing, only the following core services of G Suite are covered by Google’s BAA, and can therefore be used with PHI:

  • Gmail (Not free Gmail accounts)
  • Calendar
  • Drive
  • Apps Script
  • Keep
  • Sites
  • Jamboard
  • Hangouts (Chat messaging only)
  • Google Cloud Search
  • Vault

Google Drive

In the case of Google Drive, it is essential to limit sharing to specific people. Otherwise it is possible that folders and files could be accessed by anyone over the Internet> drives should be configured to only allow access by specific individuals or groups. Any files uploaded to Google Drive should not include any PHI in titles of files, folders, or Team Drives.


Gmail, the free email service offered by Google, is not the same as G Suite. Simply using a Gmail account ( to send PHI is not permitted. The content of Gmail messages is scanned by third parties. If PHI is included, it is potentially being ‘accessed’ by third parties, and deleting an email does not guarantee removal from Google’s servers. Free Gmail accounts are not HIPAA compliant.

G Suite HIPAA Compliance is the Responsibility of Users

Google encourages healthcare organizations to use G Suite and has done what it can to make G Suite HIPAA compliant, but Google clearly states it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the requirements of HIPAA are satisfied.

Google help healthcare organziations make G Suite HIPAA compliant, Google has developed guidance for healthcare organizations on setting up G Suite: See Google’s G Suite HIPAA Implementation Guide.

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New Study Reveals Lack of Phishing Awareness and Data Security Training

There is a commonly held view among IT staff that employees are the biggest data security risk; however, when it comes to phishing, even IT security staff are not immune. A quarter of IT workers admitted to falling for a phishing scam, compared to one in five office workers (21%), and 34% of business owners and high-execs, according to a recent survey by Intermedia.

For its 2017 Data Vulnerability Report, Intermedia surveyed more than 1,000 full time workers and asked questions about data security and the behaviors that can lead to data breaches, malware and ransomware attacks.

When all it takes is for one employee to fall for a phishing email to compromise a network, it is alarming that 14% of office workers either lacked confidence in their ability to detect phishing attacks or were not aware what phishing is.

Confidence in the ability to detect phishing scams was generally high among office workers, with 86% believing they could identify phishing emails, although knowledge of ransomware was found to be lacking, especially among female workers. 40% of female workers did not know what ransomware was, compared to 28% of male workers. 31% of respondents said they did not know what ransomware was prior to taking part in staff training sessions.

The survey revealed security awareness training was lacking at many businesses. 30% of office workers said they did not receive regular training on how to deal with cyber threats. Even though the threat level has risen significantly in the past two years, many businesses have not responded. The 2015 data vulnerability report shows 72% of companies regularly communicated cyber threat information to employees and provided regular training, but in 2017 little has changed. Only 70% of companies provide regular training and threat information to employees. 11% of companies offered no security training whatsoever.

The recently published Global State of Security Survey by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, which was conducted globally on 9,500 executives in 122 countries, suggests the percentage of companies that do not provide security awareness training may well be far higher – 48% of respondents to that survey said they have no employee security awareness training program in place.

Many Employees Pay Ransoms Personally

One of the most interesting insights into ransomware attacks on businesses from the Intermedia study was many employees are so embarrassed and concerned about installing ransomware that they pay the ransom demand out of their own pocket.

Out of the office workers that had experienced a ransomware attack, 59% personally paid the ransom. 37% said the ransom was paid by their employer. The average ransom payment was $1,400. The ransom was typically paid quickly in the hope that data could be restored before anyone else found out about the attack.

While employees were not asked whether they would be made to pay the ransom by their employers, paying the ransom quickly to prevent anyone discovering the attack is unlikely to work. Even when the ransom is paid, businesses still experience considerable downtime. The same study also indicates one in five ransom payments will not see viable decryption keys provided by the attackers.

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Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act (SHIELD Act) Introduced by NY AG

The Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act (SHIELD Act) has been introduced into the legislature in New York by Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman. The aim of the act is to protect New Yorkers from needless breaches of their personal information and to ensure they are notified when such breaches occur.

The program bill, which was sponsored by Senator David Carlucci (D-Clarkstown) and Assembly member Brian Kavanagh (D-Manhattan), is intended to improve protections for New York residents without placing an unnecessary burden on businesses.

The introduction of the SHIELD Act comes weeks after the announcement of the Equifax data breach which impacted more than 8 million New Yorkers. In 2016, more than 1,300 data breaches were reported to the New York attorney general’s office – a 60% increase in breaches from the previous year.

Attorney General Schneiderman explained that New York’s data security laws are “weak and outdated” and require an urgent update. While federal laws require some organizations to implement data security controls, in New York, there are no obligations for businesses to implement safeguards to secure the personal identifying information of New Yorkers if the data held on residents does not include a Social Security number.

The SHIELD Act will require all businesses, regardless of where they are based, to adopt reasonable administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for if they hold the sensitive data of New Yorkers. The laws will also apply if entities do not do business in the state of New York.

While many states have introduced data breach notification laws that require individuals impacted by breaches of information such as username/password combos and biometric data to be notified of the incidents, in New York, there are no such requirements. The Shield Act will change that and bring state laws in line with many other U.S. states.

Breach notification requirements will be updated to include breaches of username/password combos, biometric data, and protected health information covered by HIPAA laws. Breach notifications will be required if unauthorized individuals are discovered to have gained access to personal information as well as in cases of data theft.

Attorney General Schneiderman is encouraging businesses to go above and beyond the requirements of the SHIRLD Act and receive independent certification of their security controls to make sure they exceed the minimum required standards.

A flexible standard is being introduced for small businesses to ease the regulatory burden. Safeguards can be appropriate to the organization’s size for businesses employing fewer than 50 members of staff if gross revenue is under $3 million or they have less than $5 million in assets.

HIPAA-covered entities, organizations compliant with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley, and NYS DFS regulations will be deemed to already be compliant with the data security requirements of the SHIELD Act.

The failure to comply with the provisions of the SHIELD Act will be deemed to be a violation of General Business Law (GBL § 349) and will allow the state attorney general to bring suit and seek civil penalties under GBL § 350(d).

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HIMSS Draws Attention to Five Current Cybersecurity Threats

In its October Cybersecurity report, HIMSS draws attention to five current cybersecurity threats that could potentially be used against healthcare organizations to gain access to networks and protected health information.

Wi-Fi Attacks

Security researchers have identified a new attack method called a key reinstallation (CRACK) attack that can be conducted on WiFi networks using the WPA2 protocol. These attacks take advantage of a flaw in the way the protocol performs a 4-way handshake when a user attempts to connect to the network. By manipulating and replaying the cryptographic handshake messages, it would be possible to reinstall a key that was already in use and to intercept all communications. The use of a VPN when using Wi-Fi networks is strongly recommended to limit the potential for this attack scenario and man-in-the-middle attacks.

BadRabbit Ransomware

Limited BadRabbit ransomware attacks have occurred in the United States, although the NotPetya style ransomware attacks have been extensive in Ukraine. As with NotPetya, it is believed the intention is to cause disruption rather than for financial gain. The attacks are now known to use NSA exploits that were also used in other global ransomware attacks. Mitigations include ensuring software and operating systems are kept 100% up to date and all patches are applied promptly. It is also essential for that backups are regularly performed. Backups should be stored securely on at least two different media, with one copy stored securely offsite on an air-gapped device.

Advanced Persistent Threats

A campaign conducted by an APT group known as Dragonfly has been ongoing since at least May 2017. The APT group is targeting critical infrastructure organizations. The typical attack scenario is to target small networks with relatively poor security, and once access has been gained, to move laterally to major networks with high value assets. While the group has primarily been attacking the energy sector, the healthcare industry is also at risk. Further information on the threat and the indicators of compromise can be found on the US-CERT website.

DDE Attacks

In October, security researchers warned of the risk of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) attacks targeting Outlook users. This attack scenario involves the use of calendar invites sent via phishing emails. The invites are sent in Rich Text Format, and opening the invites could potentially result in the installation of malware. Sophos warned of the threat and suggested one possible mitigation is to view emails in plaintext. These attacks will present a warning indicating attachments and email and calendar invites contain links to other files. Users should click no when asked to update documents with data from the linked files.

Medical Device Security

HIMSS has drawn attention to the threat of attacks on medical devices, pointing out that these are a soft-spot and typically have poor cybersecurity protections. As was pointed out with the APT critical infrastructure attacks, it is these soft spots that malicious actors look to take advantage of to gain access to networks and data. HIMSS has warned healthcare organizations to heed the advice of analysts, who predict the devices will be targeted with ransomware. Steps should be taken to isolate the devices and back up any data stored on the devices, or the computers and networks to which they connect.

Medical device security was also the subject of the Office for Civil Rights October cybersecurity newsletter.

While not specifically mentioned in its list of current cybersecurity threats, the threat from phishing is ongoing and remains one of the most serious threats to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PHI. The threat can be reduced with anti-phishing defenses such as spam filtering software and with training to improve security awareness.

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Tips for Reducing Mobile Device Security Risks

An essential part of HIPAA compliance is reducing mobile device security risks to a reasonable and acceptable level.

As healthcare organizations turn to mobiles devices such as laptop computers, mobile phones, and tablets to improve efficiency and productivity, many are introducing risks that could all too easily result in a data breach and the exposure of protected health information (PHI).

As the breach reports submitted to the HHS’ Office for Civil Rights show, mobile devices are commonly involved in data breaches. Between January 2015 and the end of October 2017, 71 breaches have been reported to OCR that have involved mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, and portable storage devices. Those breaches have resulted in the exposure of 1,303,760 patients and plan member records.

17 of those breaches have resulted in the exposure of more than 10,000 records, with the largest breach exposing 697,800 records. The majority of those breaches could have easily been avoided.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule does not demand encryption for mobile devices, yet such a security measure could have prevented a high percentage of the 71 data breaches reported to OCR.

When a mobile device containing ePHI is lost or stolen, the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule requires the breach to be reported and notifications to be sent to affected individuals. If PHI has been encrypted and a device containing ePHI is lost or stolen, notifications need not be sent as it would not be a HIPAA data breach. A breach report and patient notifications are only required for breaches of unencrypted PHI, unless the key to decrypt data is also obtained.

Even though HIPAA does not demand the use of encryption, it must be considered. If the decision is taken not to encrypt data, the decision must be documented and an alternative safeguard – or safeguards – must be employed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of ePHI. That alternative safeguard(s) must provide a level of protection equivalent to encryption.

Before the decision about whether or not to encrypt data can be made, HIPAA covered entities must conduct an organization-wide risk analysis, which must include all mobile devices. All risks associated with the use of mobile devices must be assessed and mitigated – see 45 C.F.R. § 164.308(a)(1)(ii)(A)–(B).

OCR Reminds Covered Entities of Need to Address Risks Associated with Mobile Devices

In its October 2017 Cybersecurity Newsletter, OCR reminded covered entities of the risks associated with mobile devices that are used to create, receive, maintain, or transmit ePHI. HIPAA covered entities were reminded of the need to conduct an organization-wide risk assessment and develop a risk management plan to address all mobile device security risks identified during the risk analysis and reduce them to an appropriate and acceptable level.

While many covered entities allow the use of mobile devices, some prohibit the use of those devices to create, receive, maintain, or transmit ePHI. OCR reminds covered entities that if such a policy exists, it must be communicated to all staff and the policy must be enforced.

When mobile devices can be used to create, receive, maintain, or transmit ePHI, appropriate safeguards must be implemented to reduce risks to an appropriate and acceptable level. While loss or theft of mobile devices is an obvious risk, OCR draws attention to other risks associated with the devices, such as using them to access or send ePHI over unsecured Wi-Fi networks, viewing ePHI stored in the cloud, or accessing or sharing ePHI via file sharing services.

OCR also remined covered entities to ensure default settings on the devices are changed and how healthcare employees must be informed of mobile device security risks, taught best practices, and the correct way to uses the device to access, store, and transmit ePHI.

OCR offers the following advice to covered entities address mobile security risks and keep ePHI secure at all times.

To access OCR’s guidance – Click here.

OCR’s Tips for Reducing Mobile Device Security Risks

  • Implement policies and procedures regarding the use of mobile devices in the work place – especially when used to create, receive, maintain, or transmit ePHI.
  • Consider using Mobile Device Management (MDM) software to manage and secure mobile devices.
  • Install or enable automatic lock/logoff functionality.
  • Require authentication to use or unlock mobile devices.
  • Regularly install security patches and updates.
  • Install or enable encryption, anti-virus/anti-malware software, and remote wipe capabilities.
  • Use a privacy screen to prevent people close by from reading information on your screen.
  • Use only secure Wi-Fi connections.
  • Use a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN).
  • Reduce risks posed by third-party apps by prohibiting the downloading of third-party apps, using whitelisting to allow installation of only approved apps, securely separating ePHI from apps, and verifying that apps only have the minimum necessary permissions required.
  • Securely delete all PHI stored on a mobile device before discarding or reusing the mobile device.
  • Include training on how to securely use mobile devices in workforce training programs.

Penalties for Failing to Address Mobile Security Risks

The failure to address mobile device security risks could result in a data breach and a penalty for noncompliance with HIPAA Rules. Over the past few years there have been several settlements reached between OCR and HIPAA covered entities for the failure to address mobile device security risks.

These include:

Covered Entity HIPAA Violation Individuals Impacted Penalty
Children’s Medical Center of Dallas Theft of unencrypted devices 6,262 $3.2 million
Oregon Health & Science University Loss of unencrypted laptop / Storage on cloud server without BAA 4,361 $2,700,000
Cardionet Theft of an unencrypted laptop computer 1,391 $2.5 million
Catholic Health Care Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Theft of mobile device 412 $650,000

Addressing Mobile Device Security Risks

Mobile device security risks must be reduced to a reasonable and appropriate level.  Some of the mobile device security risks, together with mitigations, have been summarized in the infographic below. (Click image to enlarge)

mobile device security risks

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HHS Privacy Chief Deven McGraw Departs OCR: Iliana Peters Now Acting Deputy

Deven McGraw, the Deputy Director for Health Information Privacy at the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has stepped down and left OCR. McGraw vacated the position on October 19, 2017.

McGraw has served as Deputy Director for Health Information Privacy since July 2015, replacing Susan McAndrew. McGraw joined OCR from Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP where she co-chaired the company’s privacy and data security practice. McGraw also served as Acting Chief Privacy Officer at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) since the departure of Lucia Savage earlier this year.

In July, ONC National Coordinator Donald Rucker announced that following cuts to the ONC budget, the Office of the Chief Privacy Officer would be closed out, with the Chief Privacy Officer receiving only limited support. It therefore seems an opportune moment for Deven McGraw to move onto pastures new.

OCR’s Iliana Peters has stepped in to replace McGraw in the interim and will serve as Acting Deputy Director until a suitable replacement for McGraw can be found. Peters has vacated her position as senior advisor for HIPAA Compliance and Enforcement at OCR. There are no plans to bring in a replacement for McGraw at the ONC.

One of the first tasks for Peters will be to ensure the statutory obligations of the 21st Century Cures Act are met, and to issue guidance for healthcare organizations and patients on health data access and guidance on the allowable uses and disclosures of protected health information for patients receiving treatment for mental health or substance use disorder.

McGraw is an expert in HIPAA and privacy laws and will be sorely missed at OCR. McGraw said on Twitter, “The HIPAA team at OCR is in good hands with Iliana Peters as Acting Deputy.”

Politico reports that McGraw will be heading to Silicon Valley and will be joining a health tech startup that will be focused on “empowering consumers.” At present, no announcement has been made about which company she is joining. Politico reports that McGraw will be “part of a very small team doing the thinking about what the product will look like, the data we’re collecting and how we’ll manage and secure it.”

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Phishing Attacks Using Malicious URLs Rose 600 Percent in Q3, 2017

As recent healthcare breach notices have shown, phishing poses a major threat to the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI). The past few weeks have seen several healthcare organizations announce email accounts containing the PHI of thousands of patients have been accessed by unauthorized individuals as a result of healthcare employees responding to phishing emails.

Report Shows Massive Rise in Phishing Attacks Using Malicious URLs

This week has seen the publication of a new report that confirms there has been a major increase in malicious email volume over the past few months.

Proofpoint’s Quarterly Threat Report, published on October 26, shows malicious email volume soared in quarter 3, 2017. Compared to the volume of malicious emails recorded in quarter 2, there was an 85% rise in malicious emails in Q3.

While attachments have long been used to deliver malware downloaders and other malicious code, Q3 saw a massive rise in phishing attacks using malicious URLs. Clicking those links directs end users to websites where malware is downloaded or login credentials are harvested.

Proofpoint’s analysis shows there was a staggering 600% increase in phishing attacks using malicious URLs in Q3. Compared to 2016, the use of malicious URLs has increased by a staggering 2,200%. The volume of malicious emails has not been that high since 2014.

Locky is Back With a Vengeance

For its report, Proofpoint analyzed more than one billion emails and hundreds of millions of social media posts, and identified and analyzed more than 150 million malware samples.

Out of all of the email threats analyzed, 64% were used to deliver ransomware. At the start of the year, Cerber ransomware was the biggest ransomware threat, having taken over from Locky, but in Q3, Locky came back with a vengeance. Locky ransomware accounted for 55% of all malicious payloads and 86% of all ransomware payloads. There were also notable increases in other ransomware variants, including Philadelphia and Globelmposter.

The second biggest threat was banking Trojans, which accounted for 24% of all malicious payloads. Proofpoint’s report shows the Dridex Trojan has fallen out of favor somewhat, with The Trick now the biggest threat in this category. Downloaders accounted for 6% of malicious emails and information stealers 5%.

In the first half of 2016, exploit kits were being extensively used to deliver malware and ransomware, although exploit kit activity dwindled throughout the year and all but stopped by 2017. However, exploit kit activity is climbing once again, with the Rig the most commonly used exploit kit. Proofpoint notes that rather than just using exploits, the actors behind these EKs are now incorporating social engineering techniques into their campaigns to fool users into downloading malware.

Social media attacks also rose, in particular so called “angler attacks” via Twitter. These attacks involve the registration of bogus support accounts. Twitter is monitored for customers who are experiencing difficulty with software, and when a complaint is made, the user is sent a tweet from the bogus account containing malicious links.

Proofpoint also noted a 12% rise in email fraud in Q3, up 32% from last year, and a notable rise in typosquatting and domain spoofing. The registration of suspicious domains now outnumbers defensive domain registrations by 20 to 1.

The advice to all organizations is to implement robust spam filtering software to block malicious emails, use solutions to block malicious URLS such as web filters, use email authentication to stop domain spoofing, and to take steps to protect brands on social media. The risk from look-alike domains can be greatly reduced with defense domain purchases – registering all similar domains before the typosquatters do.

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